Audio and Visual Recording Policy
Recording Policy #5063:
Audio and Video Recording
Students, staff, parents/guardians, and patrons should assume that any class or activity in the school may be recorded by the school district for legitimate educational purposes. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy within classrooms, common areas of the school building or on school grounds outside of the building. Recordings permitted pursuant to this policy may only be used for authorized purposes and may not be republished without additional, written consent from a school administrator. For purposes of this policy “recording” includes still photographs, video, audio, and other similar data captured in any medium.
Secret Recordings. No person is permitted to make surreptitious recordings on school grounds unless authorized by the superintendent.
Recordings Made by The District. The district may use cameras or other devices for purposes of making security, safety, or other recordings when such recordings are deemed necessary or appropriate by an authorized representative of the district. The district will not maintain recordings unless the recording is purposefully copied and saved. Any recording not copied and maintained separately may only be accessible by the authorized representative for a limited time. Recordings made by the district may be destroyed by an authorized representative at any time unless retention is required by law.
Recordings Made by Parents/Guardians and Patrons. Parents/guardians and patrons may make recordings of school activities in a non-disruptive manner including things like athletic contests and school board meetings to the extent permitted by law unless otherwise lawfully restricted by the administration. Parents/guardians or patrons may not make recordings if they are volunteering or visiting school during the school day without permission of the administration or supervising staff member and subject to this policy, such as recording their child’s classroom activities or recess. Violation of this policy may be grounds for exclusion from school property, loss of volunteer privileges, or other restrictions deemed appropriate by the administration.
Recordings Made by Staff. Staff members may make recordings of classroom instruction, student behavior or performance, and school activities without prior administrative approval only for legitimate educational purposes. Staff members may not make secret recordings while on duty, even if those recordings do not violate state or federal criminal or privacy laws. Staff members who violate this provision may be subject to consequences up to termination for classified staff and cancellation of contract for certificated staff.
Recordings Made by Students. This policy applies to students during the school day on school grounds; when being transported to and from school activities or programs in a vehicle owned, leased, or contracted by a school being used for a school purpose by a school employee or by his or her designee; or at a school-sponsored activity or athletic event. Students may make recordings of school activities in a non-disruptive manner including things like athletic contests and other extracurricular performances to the extent permitted by law. Students generally are not permitted to record classroom instruction or members of the school community during the school day without the express consent of a staff member or as required by the student’s education plan. Student use of assistive technology that has the capacity to record and/or transmit recordings (e.g. AngelSense) must be approved by the student’s education team or administration. Students remain subject to all other district policies and rules. In no event shall recordings be taken or made in restrooms, locker rooms, or other areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Adopted on: June 2023
Revised on: _________________________
Reviewed on: ________________________