Richard Liu

My architecture work is about searching for the way a structure makes contact with a site. I like to introduce shapes and patterns within rectangular spaces by using rhythm and repetition. I try to make my models in a series in order to refine, redefine, and understand different structural concerns. These models oftentimes display their internal skeletal supports. In my physical models, I show structural elements of a building and internal hardware, as they are helpful for addressing the materiality of the built environment. I hope to continue learning about architecture and pursue it further in graduate school. Overall, I want my work to be appropriate to the site, but also to create spaces that are enjoyable for people to walk around and to sit down in.

Richard Liu

(Foxhole Experiential Education and Therapy Center)



Richard Liu

(Affordable House)



Richard Liu

Pictures by Ed Pease

(Pedestrian Bridge and Performance Center)

Illustrator sketch, Basswood, Foam, Floss, Glue


Richard Liu

Multipurpose High-rise
