Health & Physical Education

Health & Physical Education Requirements

(Click arrow to right for dropdown menu)

Grade 9 Requirements:

Freshman Wellness/Health I (0401)(0402)(0403) Credit .5

(Course number depends on last name; see Course Selection Sheet)

This semester course is part of a comprehensive health and balanced living education program. Freshman Wellness is designed to provide a transition for students from the middle school and to help motivate them to voluntarily take an active role in developing positive life-style goals. These goals serve to promote and enhance lifelong wellness. Freshman Wellness will be implemented through the use of guest speakers, lectures, tests, research projects, discussions, audio-visuals, group activities and oral presentations. Topics will include but

are not limited to: AIDS, personal health, substance abuse, sexual harassment, family life education, mental and

emotional health, career planning, test taking and conflict resolution.

Freshman Physical Education (0404) Credit .5

This semester course is part of a comprehensive health and balanced living education program. Freshman P.E. will provide the students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in individual activities, cooperative games/activities and team sports as well as physical fitness training. This course may include but is not limited to the following activities: Fitness Center, basic water safety and CPR, tennis, softball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, flag football, basketball, hockey, badminton and cooperative games.

Students in Grade 9 will be required to complete the State mandated fitness test.

A fee maybe required for optional field trips.

Grade 10, 11 & 12 Requirements:

Each student must take one elective in his/her sophomore, junior and senior year. All elective courses will include state required health education units. Topics include but are not limited to: substance abuse, mental health, sex education, nutrition, CPR and First Aid.

Electives for Grades 10, 11 & 12

(Click on course names for more information)

Check out the video below to see activities from Lifetime Fitness and Adventure PE courses!

Lifetime & Adventure PE movie

Please view the Health & Physical Education Electives above and feel free to reach out to faculty with any questions!