2021-2022 Career Concentrations

Career Concentrations at East Lyme High School allow students who are interested in a particular career path to receive a certificate of accomplishment for successfully completing courses that help prepare them for a related career field.

Why Career Concentrations?

  • Learn more about an area to see if you like it!

  • Build your resume and help potential employers or admissions reps understand the depth of your interest.

  • Be better prepared to enter a career!

  • Be better prepared for courses at a tech school or college!

  • Be recognized for courses you are already taking!

Program Requirements

Each concentration has a minimum credit requirement that consists of both required courses and elective courses. Details can be found in the “Career Concentrations” brochure available in the Counseling Office. Students Must:

  • Take the correct sequence of courses as outlined below.

  • Earn a ‘C’ or better in each concentration class.

  • Apply for certification by the announced deadlines.

2021-2022 Career Concentrations include:

Arts – 4 credits must be completed Concentration: Performing Arts Concentration: Visual Arts

STEM - 4 credits

Hospitality - 3 credits

Manufacturing - 4 credits

Communications –3 credits

Concentration: Print/Digital Communication

Concentration: Broadcasting

Education – 3 credits

To apply:

The applications can be found in Google Classroom. The class code is: 66mr0po.

Students should complete the application online, print it, attach an unofficial transcript, and submit to A250.