Connecticut has adopted the National Career Clusters Framework and all 16 approved Career Clusters, largely used as an organizing framework, for its programs of study. If a student is interested in one of the below-listed careers, the corresponding ELHS electives would be advantageous to add to his or her schedule.

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Careers focused on the production, processing, marketing distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources.

  • Baking and Pastry

  • Culinary I, II

  • Catering & Hospitality

  • AP Environmental Science

  • Astronomy

  • Anthropology

  • WISE

Architectural Drafting

  • Furniture/Advanced Furniture

  • Pre-Engineering

  • Engineering

  • Construction/Advanced Construction

  • WISE

Architecture & Construction

Careers in designing, planning, managing, building, and maintaining the build environment.

Elective Options:

  • Designing You and Your Space

  • CAD I, II

Arts - Visual

Designing, producing, exhibiting, visual arts. Elective Options:

  • 2D Art I, II

  • Designing You and Your Space

  • Crafts

  • Ceramics

  • Fashion World

  • Image Graphics

  • Advanced Art and Portfolio Development

  • Art History

  • Art Co-op

  • Digital Photo

  • WISE

Arts - Performing

Designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing performing arts.

  • Band

  • Guitar

  • Orchestra

  • Digital Piano

  • Music Tech

  • Chorus

  • Choir

  • AP Music Theory

  • History of Rock of Pop

  • Theater Appreciation

  • Music Co-op

  • WISE

Audio/Visual & Communications

Designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content.

  • Animation

  • Yearbook

  • Digital Film I, II, III

  • TV News

  • Digital Photo

  • Creative Writing I, II

  • Journalism I, II, III, IV

  • Film Studies

  • Image Graphics

  • Speech

  • WISE

Business Management & Administration

Careers in planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions.

Elective Options

  • Accounting I, II

  • Personal Finance

  • Business Management

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Economics

  • WISE

Education & Training

Planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support services.

  • Special Needs Aide

  • Sociology

  • Psychology

  • AP Psychology

  • WISE

  • Birth-Three Playgroup

  • Pre-School Lab

  • Pre-Kindergarten Lab

  • Human Development ECE

  • WISE

  • Contemporary Issues I, II

  • Sociology

  • AP Government

  • Human Rights & Wrongs

  • Issues of the Day

  • AP World History

Health Science

Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development.

Elective Options

  • Physics

  • Biotechnology

  • Anatomy & Physiology Honors

  • Medical Terminology ECE

  • Psychology

  • AP Psychology

  • WISE

Hospitality & Tourism

The management, marketing and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel related services.

  • Baking & Pastry

  • Culinary I, II

  • Catering & Hospitality

  • World Language

  • WISE

Human Services

Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs.

  • Birth-Three Playgroup

  • Pre-School Lab

  • Pre-Kindergarten Lab

  • Child Development Lab Aide

  • Human Development ECE

  • Special Needs Aide

  • Anthropology

  • Sociology

  • Psychology

  • AP Psychology

  • Senior Academy

  • WISE

  • Art Co-op

  • Music Co-op

Information Technology

Careers related to the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services.

  • Web Design

  • Exploring Computer Science

  • AP Mobile Computer Science

  • AP Computer Science

  • World of Technology

  • WISE

Law, Public Safety & Security

Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.

  • It’s the Law I, II

  • Forensics

  • Contemporary Issues I, II

  • Sociology

  • AP Government

  • Human Rights & Wrongs

  • Issues of the Day

  • WISE

Marketing, Sales, & Service

Planning, managing and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.

  • Creative Writing I, II

  • Intro to 3-D Design

  • Intro to Graphic Design

  • Advanced Graphics

  • Digital Photo

  • Image Graphics

  • Web Design

  • Fashion World

  • Animation

  • World of Technology

  • WISE


Planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into products and related professional and technical support activities.

  • Clothing Construction I, II

  • Fashion World

  • Economics

  • CAD I, II

  • Introduction to Graphic Design

  • Advanced Graphics

  • WISE

Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)

Planning, managing and providing scientific research and profession- al and technical services including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

  • Physics

  • Math

  • Physical Science

  • Marine Bio

  • Science in the 21st Century

  • Astronomy

  • Biotech

  • CAD I, II

  • Pre-Engineering

  • Engineering

  • WISE

Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics

Planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail and water and related professional support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment and facility maintenance.

  • Transportation Technology

  • WISE