Classes of 2024, 2023, and 2022:

The course recommendation and selection process will be outlined to juniors in Advisory on February 17th and 24th.

Teachers will begin to recommend students for core courses beginning February 22nd through March 2nd.

On March 3rd and 10th, during Advisory, students will have the opportunity to enter elective courses for their senior year.

Class of 2025 (Current 8th grade students):

The ELHS Counseling Department will be offering a Live Parent Webinar for all 8th grade families on Thursday, February 25th at 6:30 pm. In early March, the ELHS Counselors will have a virtual webinar to present to all 8th grade students with a live question and answer opportunity. Middle School teachers will recommend core classes, and the middle schools will communicate those recommendations home. Each 8th grade family has the opportunity to electronically select elective courses, and a link will be sent accordingly following teacher recommendations.

Schedules will be made available over the summer. To make schedule changes before school starts, an appointment can be made by calling the Counseling Office at 739-6946 x 5580 or by emailing your school counselor.

  • Schedule changes will be allowed throughout the summer. New classes will not be added after this time.

  • Level changes require the permission of the teacher.

  • Schedule changes based on instructor or time preference are not permitted.

  • Withdrawals or level changes requested after the schedule change period will require the completion of a Schedule Change Form which requires teacher, parent, and student signatures.

  • Students who drop a class after October 1/March 1 for second semester classes will receive a WF (Withdraw Failing) on their record. Waiving the WF requires teacher and administrative approval.

  • Transcripts will be re-sent to colleges whenever a change is made to a senior’s schedule.

  • All students in grades 9-11 must maintain 6.5 credits and students in grade 12 must maintain 6.0 credits. A class drop will not be allowed if it causes the student to go below the minimum required credits.

  • Override requests for the following school year are considered until the last day of the school year prior.

*A W/F (Withdraw Failing) carries the same consequence as a failing grade for academic GPA and athletic eligibility.



8th Grade Family Night

Program of Studies available


ELHS Counselors work with ELMS and Salem Staff to provide transition programming and facilitate elective course selection and teacher recommendations

Teachers input course recommendations

Students meet with teachers to review recommendations


Course selections mailed home

Summer Break

Schedules made available online

Independent Studies, Aides, Classroom Assistants

Students who wish to enroll in an independent study course or receive credit for any class not listed in the Program of Studies must complete an Independent Study Request Form signed by the student, his/her parent/ guardian, the overseeing teacher, the department CIL and the student’s counselor. The form must be submitted to the principal for approval and will not be added to a student’s schedule until that is completed. Independent study classes, aides and assistants will be graded P/F unless otherwise approved by the principal.

Home Schooling

Students who have been homeschooled and wish to enroll at East Lyme High School must present their previous plan of study (approved by the local area superintendent) and portfolios of all student work to receive credit and for future class placement. The appropriate subject area Curriculum Instructional Leader will review portfolios and assessment tests (ELHS Mid-Term and Final Exams) will be administered when appropriate.

Credit will be granted based on work accomplished and mastery demonstrated. Appropriate placement will be made based on these assessments and other relevant factors such as a student’s age and prior educational history. Grades will not be assigned for any home schooling experiences.

Homebound Tutoring

Students who are absent from school for an extended period of time (in excess of ten school days) may be eligible for homebound tutoring with appropriate medical documentation. This service is available at no cost to the parents or students provided they meet the following specific requirements: authorized medical note and Student Study Team (SST) and principal’s approval. Long-term homebound tutoring is reviewed on a case by case basis in an SST or PPT meeting.

Parental Overrides

If a parent and student choose to appeal the recommendation of a teacher for level placement in a course, they

must follow the outlined procedure:

  • Turn in an override form with all necessary signatures by the last day of school.

  • If a student/parent overrides a class against a faculty recommendation, parents and students understand that a future level change may not be possible.

*No student can have more than TWO parent overrides per academic year. *

Transfer Students

Transfer students from other school systems will receive full credit for required courses only if the completed work is comparable to East Lyme High School requirements. Credits for elective courses will be reviewed on an individual basis. No credit will be given for religion/theology courses.