District Forms for Parents/Guardians

Forms for Parents/Guardians:

Working Papers for Students: 

 The Intent to Employ Minor form (PDF) needs to be filled out FIRST by the employer and signed by a parent/guardian once the student is hired. 

The student then needs to bring this form and their birth certificate/passport/or license to either the  Superintendent's Office (111 Peirce Street/398-1203/398-1201)  or EGHS Guidance Office (300 Avenger Drive/398-1204).  The student must be present to sign the working paper.   Please call prior to going to any of the offices.

Then the following forms (working papers) will then be filled out.   

School Volunteer Background Check: 

 All volunteers need a BCI check, which can be obtained at the local police department.  These checks are good for one year only. All parents or guardians who wish to participate in school volunteer activities, or formally observe their child in the classroom, must submit, or have on file, a Confidentiality Agreement  that has been signed within the same school year as the volunteer activity or classroom observation. Please review School Committee Policy #6115 Volunteer/Observer Confidentiality Agreement Policy.

Photo Opt-Out Form - Throughout the school year, photo opportunities and multi-media opportunities exist both in the classroom and during special events. These opportunities may include, but are not limited to:

Please fill out the opt-out form if you wish to opt-out of photo opportunities that identify your child by photo or name. This form will be sent directly to your child's principal.  

Student Accident Medical Insurance Protection SY 22-23

R.I. Dept. of Health:  Head Lice: Guiding Principles for School Policy