Range of Motion Activities

NOTICE: Please do not perform these activities unless you have been personally directed to do so by physical therapy staff. You child's health and safety is of utmost concern. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Biel or Mrs. Patrick before proceeding.

Range of Motion

Range of motion activities are designed to help your child's muscles from tightening up. Tightening of muscles occurs when muscles don't move a lot or are in one position for a duration of time. The following activities are supplied to help you keep your child's joints moving to prevent increased muscle tightness. If you do not feel comfortable or have further questions on how to do this, please email us at bielka@egcsd.org or patrickj@egcsd.org.

Your child should be on his/her back in a relaxed position. He/she may try to squirm and move but try to get them to relax by playing music, talking to them, or have them concentrate on a game or other activity. If the child complains of pain, please stop and don't stretch the muscle as far. These activities are similar to stretching you do at the gym, in yoga, or in sports and should feel like a soft stretch to your child.

This YouTube video is good place to start as he explains what it should feel like and how long and how many times to perform them. It is also helpful to watch someone actively performing these activities:

Once you feel comfortable, this website has a good page as a reminder of which stretches to perform: