Core Strengthening Exercises

Core Strengthening Video

Here are ten exercises in under ten minutes. Have your child try to do at least 10 repetitions of each one, maintaining good form. If they can no longer keep good form, it's time to move onto the next exercise.


Goal: Core Strength

  1. Lay on your back on the floor with bent knees, feet flat on the floor

  2. Lift your arms straight up

  3. Lift your head off the floor and tuck your chin

  4. Reach forward to come up to sitting

  5. Lay back down with control, and don't let head bounce

Modification: If your child is unable to do without their feet coming off the floor, stabilize the feet by holding them or have your child tuck their feet under some furniture (like under the couch)

Goal is for 20 repetitions. May break up into 2 sets of 10 if desired.


Goal: Core Strength

  1. Lay flat on your belly, place hands under your shoulders and curl toes under

  2. Press up to raise your body, keeping your legs as straight as you can to come up so that you are on hands and toes

  3. Do not push your bottom up into the air. Your body should be flat.

  4. Lower yourself back down and you can rest your body fully down to the floor each repetition.

The goal is 20 repetitions, but may be broken into 2 sets of 10.

Dead Bug (Supine Flexion)

Goal: Core Strength

  1. Lay on the floor and bend at the hips and knees, lifting your feet off the ground

  2. Reach your hands to the sky

  3. Pick your head up off the floor and hold this position for (ideally) 30 seconds. You can come up with creative ways to make it to 30 seconds, you can take turns counting, count to 15 twice, count to 10 three times, sing the ABCs, etc.

  4. Try to lift your head and shoulders so your shoulder blades are not touching the ground and don’t rock back and forth or wave your arms and legs

Superman (Prone Extension)

Goal: Core Strength

  1. Lay flat on the floor on your belly, straightening your arms out over head

  2. Keeping your arms and legs straight, raise them up off the floor and hold this position

  3. Do not let the elbows bend or the hands pull in close to the head

  4. Try to hold for 30 seconds. Make it fun by taking turns counting, counting to 15 twice, saying ABCs etc.


Goal: Core Strength

  1. Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor

  2. Squeeze your “butt muscles” and raise your bottom off the floor

  3. Hold for 2-3 counts

  4. Do this for 20 repetitions or 2 sets of 10.

Forearm Plank

Goal: Core Strength; Shoulder Strength

  1. Lay flat on the floor, propping up on your elbows and curl your toes under.

  2. Keeping your legs straight and tummy tight, push up on your “elbows and toes,” being careful not to push your hind end up into the air.

  3. Hold this position for for as long as you can while staying still. Our goal is to hold for at least 30 seconds. You can also count to 15 twice, count to 10 three times, sing the ABCs, etc.