Hyde Hall
On Tuesday, we had a wonderful day at RHS Hyde Hall. We studied minibeasts and took part in some fun Autumnal art activities. We became squirrels and had to hide our conkers ready for the Winter. The children were really well behaved and did us proud! We hope you all have a lovely, restful half term.
Exploring Autumn!
This week we have been learning about Autumn We have been thinking about the weather in this season and how we dress for the change in temperature. We have enjoyed using the beautiful Autumn leaves we have collected in lots of craft activities!
Busy bees!
We have had a jam-packed week in year 1! We have been solving lots of addition number problems in Maths, sequencing the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood' and talking all about what makes us special. We used mirrors to observe our faces and painted some fantastic self-portraits!
This week in year one we have been exploring our senses. We have been listening to sounds on a learning walk, smelling and feeling objects in class, tasting different foods and completing a blindfolded obstacle course!
We love reading!
This week we have really enjoyed sharing our favourite books from home. We talked about why we liked our books and wrote super sentences using the conjunction 'because'!
This week we have read the story 'Funnybones' by Jocelyn Stevenson. We have been 'busy bees' labelling different parts of the body using the correct vocabulary.