
Find a quiet place to work independently

Learn about Place by completing these activities by yourself. Use your portfolio to record your group’s thoughts. Your teacher may ask you to upload your work to a Google Classroom or a shared online notebook.

Click on the images below to complete each of the activities. Your teacher will give you opportunity to share and discuss your work at the conclusion of each activity.

Activity - Territories

Watch the Territories video as a class or on your own.

Think and reflect

Use your digital portfolio to answer the following questions.

What place is special to each character?

What were the challenges and benefits of sharing those places?

Add notes to your team's shared document, you could type notes or draw a diagram to represent your thoughts.

Activity - Indigenous* people of Tropical North Queensland

The Indigenous* people of Tropical North Queensland

Watch the video as a class before completing the activity.

The boy says that when his dad was entering or leaving the rainforest, he’d call out to the ancestors.

Record your answers to the following questions.

  • What are ancestors?

  • What would he say to them?

  • What do you think his father believes about how ancestors are connected to that place?

  • How is this similar or different to what you believe?

*The term Indigenous in this activity refers to either Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples. However, when and where possible use the full title of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Activity - Your own special places

Special places

Think of a place that’s important to you.

  • What’s the place like?

  • Why is it special to you?

  • What do you do there?

  • What do you or others do to look after it?

Create a wordle about your special place and upload it to your shared workspace. There are lots of free sites to create word art shapes online.

Try to start.

When your group have all added their wordles to the digital portfolios, discuss your special places. Has anyone ever done anything you didn’t agree with in that place? Describe what they did and what the impact was.