
Aboriginal culture is the oldest living culture in the world.

Sharing an Acknowledgement helps keep it alive.

Activity - Why create and share an Acknowledgment of Country?

Creating your own personalised Acknowledgement shows you care for and understand connection to Country on a deep level. It’s a way everyone can show respect for Aboriginal people and their ongoing relationship with Country. You might even inspire others to create their own Acknowledgements!

Compare examples

Have you ever heard or seen something that’s changed the way you think or act? What made it powerful? If you can create an Acknowledgement that captures peoples’ interest, it could influence their attitudes and behaviour.

Search online and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of examples that you find. There are many examples on websites that you can view as a class or in small groups.

Written Acknowledgement by Wyoming Public School student

Acknowledgement of Country by ...

The Aboriginal people have cared for this land for tens of thousands of years. They have had a strong connection with the land and have used the land for survival, ceremonies, teaching, learning and story telling. The land is living and the Aboriginal people have kept this land safe for future generations to come.

We recognise and respect the long history that the traditional custodians have with the land that our school stands on. We thank the Elders for the knowledge they have shared to keep the Aboriginal culture alive.

We owe it to the future generations to keep this culture alive. We all have a responsibility to keep the land alive and maintain the environment for the people of the future.

By ...

Wyoming Public School

Activity - Set yourself up for success

Our learning goals

We are learning to:

    • understand the importance of Country, Place, the traditional Aboriginal way of life and Acknowledgement of Country.

    • create and share your own Acknowledgment of Country.

    • develop an idea about how to improve knowledge of Aboriginal connection to Country in your school and create a proposal for your principal.

What is success criteria?

Success criteria is a set of goals or checklist for our learning so that we know that we are on track.

How will you know if you and your group are doing a good job or could make improvements?

Activity - Let's do it!


It is time for your group to use all of the collaboration skills you have gained and all of the knowledge you have researched to create your own Acknowledgement of Country.

Ensure that you work together and use the success criteria that your class created so you are certain you are on track. Keep referring back to the success criteria and objectively assess your work.

How will you share?

Start to think about how your group will share your work. You can use these ideas to help you, ask your teacher if you think of a better idea!

  • create a poster and take a photo

  • video their group presenting

  • create a multimodal text with apps or programs

Activity - Share with others

Shout from the mountaintop!

You did it! Enjoy sharing your work on your shared class workspace and exploring others' creative ideas too.

In groups use the success criteria to assess other groups' Acknowledgement of Country. Remember to be constructive with your feedback to other groups.