
We’re all living in a country we call Australia. But the word ‘Country’ can mean different things to different people.

Activity - What does 'Country' mean to you? Record notes in your digital portfolio.

Learn about Country by completing these activities with your group. Use your portfolio to record your group’s thoughts. Your teacher may ask you to upload your work to a Google Classroom or a shared online notebook.

Activity - My Country

Discuss this image referring to what 'Country' might mean for Aboriginal people.

Record notes from ur discussion in your digital portfolio.

As a class read My Country Illustrated by Sally Morgan and written by Ezekiel Kwaymullina

Image used with permission.

My Country Illustrated by Sally Morgan and written by Ezekiel Kwaymullina © 2011, Fremantle Press.

My Country Illustrated by Sally Morgan and written by Ezekiel Kwaymullina

Activity - Maps

Compare the Google map and the First Languages Maps

Explore the Gambay map as a class to discover the many groups in Australia.

Use your digital portfolio to answer the following questions.

  • Identify the closest language group to your school.

  • What similarities and differences do you notice between the two maps?

  • What do the yellow dots on the Gambay map represent?

  • Which map do you identify with more?

  • Where is your school on the Gambay map of Australia?

  • What are the names close to your school’s local area?

Activity - Reflect

Revisit the answer you gave about what the word ‘Country’ means to you. After completing these activities, does it now mean something different to you? Explain and record your ideas in your digital portfolio.