School Canteen

School Canteen

The school canteen is operated by an external provider called Yummy Bears Kiosk. The canteen opens before school, recess and lunch five days a week. A variety of healthy delicious foods are on offer.

Kindergarten students are allowed to order from the canteen in Term 1. From Term 2, they can visit the canteen to buy a snack at recess or lunch time.

Recess and Lunch can be ordered from our canteen via the Flexischools app. This makes it easy as the order is all completed online. Recess orders are collected from the canteen. Lunch orders are delivered to the classroom in a basket. Your child's class teacher will send 2 students to collect the lunch basket each day.

The Flexischools App can be downloaded from the App Store here:-

It can also be downloaded from the Google Play store here:-


The canteen menu is available to view by through the Flexischools app. A selection of ice blocks and other snacks are available to purchase at the canteen at recess and lunch. The items and prices are subject to change from time to time.