Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need a library bag and will any bag do?

Children visit the library every week where they are encouraged to borrow a book. They will need a library bag to transport their books to and from school as safely as possible. Library bags can be purchased from the school library ($3 - calico bag) or the school uniform shop ($12.50 - blue velcro bag). They can also be purchased from a variety of other stores. Old pillow cases are also an acceptable alternative. Please make sure that bags are labelled with your child's name.

Where do children put their school bag each day?

When children arrive at school each morning, they put their bag in the bag area outside their classroom. Each child will have their own space labelled with their name.

Can my child put their lunchbox in the fridge?

Unfortunately there are no fridge facilities in the classrooms. Children will keep their lunchboxes in their bag. To keep lunches cool you could put in a small icepack.

Should I pack a sheet and a pillow?

At pre-school children would have had a nap each day but this doesn't happen once they start Kindergarten. There will be no need to pack a sheet or pillow.

Where do I park for school pick up?

Parking inside the school is for staff members only. Parking around the school can be difficult as it is very limited. The best places to park for school drop off and pick up are at the Don Moore Reserve carpark at the back of the school or in the Westfield carpark if you are entering from the front gate. Another option that we have just introduced is the Kiss and Ride Zone at the Don Moore Reserve carpark. If you choose this option you will be given a number to display in your car. Teachers on duty will call out the numbers as cars reach the front of the queue and students will come forward for you to collect without leaving your car. Students need to be pre-registered for afternoon Kiss and Ride Zone in Don Moore Reserve. Further information will be provided to parents about this option.

What happens on wet weather days?

If it is raining at recess or lunchtime, children will stay in the classrooms where they will be supervised by one of the classroom teachers.

Do Kindy children need to bring their own ipad?

Students in Kindergarten do not need to bring their own ipad to school. We have school ipads in each classroom that are used for various learning activities.

How do I contact my child's class teacher?

If you need to discuss something very quickly with your child's class teacher, it can often be done at school drop off or pick up. However, if you would like to discuss something in detail, please phone or email the school and the office ladies will pass on the message. Your child's class teacher will then phone you or will organise a mutually convenient meeting time. Please note that teachers are often on duty or in meetings when they are not teaching so it may take up to 24 hours before your call is returned.

When do children receive a school report?

Children receive a school report at the end of Terms 2 and 4. There are also opportunities for feedback about your child's learning during Parent / Teacher interviews at the end of Term 1.