P7D Mr Pelosi

Here is the class timetable for Term 1. Please feel free to get in contact with any questions!

P7D Timetable Term 1.docx

Our Unique Hands

A fun art project to show how each of us are unique in our own way. 

Class Charter

Looking at the rights of a child, we voted on the rights that we felt were most important as a class. We then 'signed' the charter by making a cartoon version of ourselves. 

Place Value Posters

Showing our understanding of place value.

Evacuee Letters

Pupils wrote from the perspective of an evacuee during World War 2. They tea stained their pages to make them look older.


An art project following Mr Connell's art videos. Each pupil created their own version of a Spitfire plane from World War 2. 

World War 2 Homework

Some of the excellent World War 2 homework which has been turned in this month. Very impressive work and tasty baking! Check out the Anderson Shelters below!

Anderson Shelters from WW2 Homework