

Turkey, or officially the Republic of Turkey, is a country with most of its lands in Anatolia and a small part in Thrace, the southeastern extension of the Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered by Bulgaria in the northwest, Greece in the west, Georgia in the northeast, Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan in the east, Nakhchivan, and Iraq and Syria in the southeast. It is surrounded by the island of Cyprus and the Mediterranean in the south, the Aegean Sea in the west and the Black Sea in the north. The Sea of Marmara, along with the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, separates Anatolia from Thrace, that is, Asia from Europe. Turkey has an important geostrategic power as it is located at the crossroads of the European and Asian continents.

The capital of our country is Ankara. Its most important cities are İstanbul, Ankara and of course beautiful İzmir.


İzmir is a city located in the Aegean Region of Turkey and one of the 81 provinces of the country. It is the third most populous city in the country in terms of population. It is one of the leading cities economically, historically and socio-culturally. Its population is 4,394,694 people as of 2020. It is the twenty-third largest province of the country in terms of area.

Izmir is located at the beginning of a long and narrow bay surrounded by yachts and ships. Izmir Port is Turkey's seventh largest port. To the west of İzmir lies the Urla Peninsula with its sea, beaches and thermal centers. Located around the Izmir Bay, the city is an important fair center and port city that organizes the Izmir International Fair every year.


Our school,"Misak-ı Milli" has been contemporary, innovative and enterpreneur since 1986 in İzmir. It has 28 classrooms with a Science, Arts, ICT labs, a conference hall, a library, a project & meeting room, a School-Parent Board room, a sports room. With 62 teachers, we give education to 10-14 aged students at 5/6/7/8 grades. There are 340 boys and 362 girls-whose social and economic backgrounds as well as their family situations and abilities are varied. Their profile includes children having educated families along with under educated parents who are working as doorkeeper, caretaker etc. and also unemployed parents. We have students with learning difficulties (ADHD- hyperactive, mental retardation, dyslexic, gifted). They're educated in ordinary classes with the others, equally in every terms. They also receive the special education called Individualized Education Program (IEP). We have Turkish, Maths, Science, History & Geography, Art, Music, P.E. classes and English as a second language. With the high academic success, our students have many projects, sportive and artistic activities and successes written in our website (http://konakmisakimilli.meb.k12.tr).

Being an expert in management our headmaster is open to new projects as well as sharing tasks among the teachers. He also encourages teachers to create,join projects by supporting and awarding them. In case of these persons leave their post in the future because of relationships with the European students and teachers ,being active in eTwinning we'll choose substitute staff. With the hard-working teachers renovate themselves via seminars, educational activities, national and international projects our school is popularized. It has also a strondg and well-educated project team including teachers in every branch.