
In the Netherlands, the first mobility of our Erasmus project "Environment for the Future" was organized. On the first day, all the guests were welcomed at our school by our principal. The students got to know each other better through a speed dating assignment. We gave our guests a tour of Roermond, and the counsillor gave a presentation at the town hall. On Tuesday, all participants attended classes related to sustainability. Bioplastics were produced, and new materials were created from used plastic bags. In the afternoon, we visited the wind turbines to learn more about wind energy. On Wednesday, Amsterdam was on the agenda. Upon arrival, we first visited De Ceuvel, a city playground for innovation, experimentation, and creativity where we aim to make sustainability tangible, accessible, and enjoyable. In the afternoon, participants had the opportunity to explore Amsterdam on their own. On Thursday, the students created their final product during a video-making workshop. In the afternoon, Dutch students and their guests prepared typical Dutch dishes. During the cultural evening on Thursday, we enjoyed all these delicacies together with parents and invited guests. The final products, the videos, were presented during this evening. On Friday, we had a water walk through Roermond focused on water management. After a fantastic week, all the guests departed on Saturday.

Welcoming guests in Roermond and in our school

Visiting City Hall of Roemond, presentation of the councillor

Lessons on Sustainability and Bioplastics

Visting a wind turbine

Erasmus Coordinators meeting

Visiting clean tech playground The Ceuvel in Amsterdam

The Ceuvel 

Cultural Evening