
During each mobility do the students stay in hostfamilies: students from hosting school. To stay in hostfamilies give the students a cultural experience. During the mobility in Sweden were the students divided into international groups as well. This way they also found similiarties to their own culture and way of living, both in the host families and in the international groups.  During the mobilities did students mix schoolwork and visits to museums, and workshops as well.  We also had a guest speaker from Trollhättans Energi who informed students and teahcers about what they provide the citizens of Trollhättan; how to use electricity in a way to save the Earth and  how to reduce garbage, just to mention some of their work. We also visited two museum with focus on environmental issues, the museums Innovatum Science Centre and The Universeum and during our visit there did  they focus on evironmental work and especially on the 17 goals that UN set for 2030. One other museum we visited was The Elk Musuem, situaded in Hunneberg, and we were informed about their work with the animals in the forest around Hunneberg. They also informed us about their work for a better environment.

During the exchange did students and teachers also visit the city hall and there they met the major of Trollhättan. On the first day of the exchange week, Monday evening, did we also have an international dinner together with students, hostfamilies and teachers. During the mobility in Sweden did we decide to have the international dinner the first evening instead of the last evening, so host families could meet each other as well as teachers could meet the host families the first day already. We found that the visiting teachers created a bond with their students host families early and kept in touch all week. We also bowled together the last day together.