The future in our hands.


Duration of the Erasmus+ KA 229 project: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2022.

Coordinating country: Sweden

Partner schools: Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Turkey

Dear guest,

Welcome to our project website. 

We are very happy that you visit our website and we want to make your visit enjoyable. To find information about the particpating schools can click on the  sidebar up to the left next to the title of our project.  

If you are interested in our project activities click on the bookmarks and check what we do.

To know what is our project about please read the text below.  Have fun and please visit our website again.

What is the project about?

The UN has set up 17 goals to detain a healthy world in 2030, both for humanity and Mother Earth. The sustainable goals are set for all the citizens of this world, either they are poor, rich or average income. The environmental issues are not an issue only for the poor or the rich but for all the people all around the world. We, all citizens of this world have a responsibility to act for a better environment, which will also improve our health and climate. Our aim by creating this project is to reach out to more people around Europe and Turkey. This is our duty to spread our knowledge and experiences about the goals that need to be reached2030.

In this Erasmus+ project called "Environment 4 Future" we would like to enlighten:

We have planned these activities related to our objectives:

We will have these activities during each LTT:

*Presentation on each topic/ students will prepare material for a video and make an ad or news broadcast

*Discussions in groups on the topic

*Questionnaire on the topic

*Guest speaker

*Workshop Creativity -writing an article/vlog/video

*Workshops on the topic

*Trip to a local museum / Company / Institution

*Trip to a cultural site (e.g UNESCO )

* Cultural evening -with students, teachers, and parents. Local food made by parents.

*Presentation on similarities between participating countries and the host. Each country will prepare information on the customs, traditions, and culture of another partner. The aim is to have the students to gain more knowledge about the participating countries.

* Team building activities