
Research Projects

Funded Projects (Major):

1. PUBLIN-Innovation in the Public Sector (EU FP5 2003-2005)

2. Public Sector Management and Trust: Performance of Public Sector, Citizen Participation and Democracy in Israel (ISF 2004-2006)

3. Managing the public sector and the democratic state: Participation, performance evaluation, and public trust (National Insurance Institute (2006-2007).

4. SPAMA- Socio-Political Aspects of Marine Aquaculture: A Comparative Study of Policymaking in Israel and Germany (GIF - 2008-2010)

5. COST - Local Public Sector Reforms in Europe (EU-FP7 2013-2017)

6. Ethical climate, employees' engagement, and the quality of service and treatment in hospitals: A rolling impact of systematic damage (NIHP-2013-2015).

7.SeeRRI- Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research & Innovation (Horizon 2020)

8. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on trust in the healthcare system, national resilience, and perceptions towards the Israeli political and administrative system (NIHP 2020-2021)

9. Building public resilience and trust in times of Coronavirus global pandemic hazards: An integrative approach of individuals and the society (MOST-2020)

10. Managing a Nation and its citizens during crisis: Government-Citizens interrelations during crisis and emergency (National Knowledge and Research Center for Emergency Readiness 2019-2021)

Ongoing longitudinal projects:

NAPPA-IL Project: National Assessment Project of Public Administration in Israel (2001-Ongoing)

Collaboration with the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration, HSE, RF.

Ranking and Indexing Projects:

The Israel Political Science Index (IPSIX)

The Haifa Index of Excellence in Political Science (HIE - Political Science)