Prof. Eran Vigoda-Gadot

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Professor Vigoda-Gadot was recently included in a global study by Stanford University (Ioannidis, 2023*; also previously published in Plos Biology, 2019/20/21/22), at the top 2% of scientists worldwide, ranked 73 out of more than 16000 in political science and public administration (Download full list).

*Ioannidis, John P.A. (2023), “October 2023 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Elsevier Data Repository, V6, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6


Professor of Public Administration and Management, Political Science and Governance: Division of Public Administration & Policy, School of Political Science, University of Haifa, IL

Academic Supervisor: International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, RF (2023)

Founder of the Center for Public Management and Policy (CPMP) at the School of Political Science, University of Haifa (2004). 

Founder of the Idit Program for Excellent Doctoral Students in Social Sciences (Since 2017)

Founder of The POP-I-Lab - The Public Organizations and public Policy Interdisciplinary behavioral Laboratory, for studying innovativeness in public administration, management, and Policy (2020 under establishment).

Former Head of the Division of Public Administration & Policy (2003-2008); Head of the School of Political Science (2008-2013); Dean of the Paul & Herta Amir Faculty of Social Sciences (2016-2020).

With major expertise in Public Administration, Public Management, and Organizational Behavior Vigoda-Gadot is the author and co-author of more than 200 publications, articles, and book chapters, of which 16 books and symposiums as well as many other scholarly presentations and working papers. Received his Ph.D. from the University of Haifa (1998) and spent time as a visiting professor in Britain (Chevening Scholarship), Ireland (National University-Cork - Department of Government), Canada (McGill University - Desautels Faculty of Management), the USA (University of Georgia- Department of Public Administration & Policy, Harvard Kennedy School - Ash Center for Democratic Governance & Innovation, University of Massachusetts, Boston - McCormack Center for Public Management), and Belgium (KU Leuven -Public Governance Institute).

Current research interests include:

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management in Public Administration; Organizational Politics; Political Behavior and Citizens' Role in Governance; Trust in Government; Public Administration and Government Performance in Times of Emergency and Crises; Public Sector Reforms and Performance; Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB); New Public Management (NPM); Democracy & Bureaucracy; Engagement and Emotions in Public Service; Collaboration and Innovation in Public Administration; Digital Governance; Statistics & Methodology in the Social Sciences