POP-I-Lab Collaborations

(under development)

1. Behavioral & Experimental public administration Lab,  University of Copenhagen, Denmark 

2. Laboratory for Public Management & Policy, Department of Public Policy, City University Hong Kong, Hong-Kong 

3. Public Policy Lab, Temple University, Pennsylvania, USA


4. Network and Governance Lab, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA 


5. Digital Government Lab, University of Konstanz, Germany


6. International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration, HSE-National Research University Moscow, RF 


7. Governance Lab, Utrecht University, Nederland

8. The Peoples’ Lab. Harvard Kennedy School of Governance. Harvard University, USA.

9. Department of Public Administration, FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brasil.

Current and developing collaborations (International Advisory Board of Directors -  under structure):

1. Belgium (Prof. Geert Bouckaert, KU Leuven; Prof. Steven Van De Walle, KU Leuven; Prof. Annie Hondeghem, KU Leuven; Prof. Peter Hupe, KU Leuven)

2. Brazil (Prof. Evan Berman, Prof. Ricardo Gomes, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Sao-Polo; Jose Eduardo Stropoli, UNINOVE, Sao Paolo)

3. Denmark (Prof. Martin Baekgaard, Aarhus University)

4. Finland (Prof. Petri Uusikyla, University of Vaasa; Prof. Harri Jalonen, University of Vaasa)

5. Germany (Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann, University of Potsdam; Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hammerschmid, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin; Prof. Dr. Gerhardt Blickle, University of Bonn)

6. Hong-Kong (City University of Hong Kong)

7. Hungary (Prof. Gyorgy Hajnal, TKpti, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

8.     Italy (Prof. Carmine Bianchi, University of Palermo; Prof. Riccardo Mussari, University of Siena)

9. Lithuania (Prof. Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė, Vytautas Magnus University)  

10.  New Zealand (Prof. Karl Lofgren, Victoria University at Wellington)

11.  Norway (Prof. Tom Christiansen, Oslo University) 

12.  Nederland (Prof. Lars Tummers, Utrecht University; Prof. Sandra Van Thiel, Erasmus University Rotterdam)

13.  Portugal (Prof. Miguel Angelo Rodrigues, University of Minho)

14.   Russia (Prof. Alexey Barabashev, HSE National Research University; Prof. Evgeny Styrin, Prof. Anna Sanina, HSE National Research University) 

15.  Spain (Prof. Luis Rubalcaba, University of Alcalá)

16.  Switzerland (Prof. Kuno Schedler, University of St. Gallen)

17.  UK (Prof. Yehuda Baruch, Southampton University; Prof. Elka Loeffler, University of Strathclyde)

18.  USA (Prof. Jos Raadschelders, Ohio State University; Prof. Marc Holzer, Suffolk University; Prof. Mildred Warner, Cornell University; Prof. Paul Battaglio, University of Texas Dallas; Prof. Ali Farazmand, Florida Atlantic University; Prof. Kalu Kalu, Auborn University; Prof. Timothy Munyon, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Prof. Steve Kelman, Harvard University; Kaifeng Yang, Florida State University, Prof. Gregg Van Ryzin, Rutgers University; Prof. Donald Kettl, University of Maryland; Prof. Norma Riccucci, Rutgers University; Prof. Marry Guy, University of Colorado Denver; Prof. B. Guy Peters, University of Pittsburgh; Prof. James Perry, Indiana University; Prof. Montgomery Van Wart, California State University San Bernardino; Prof. Hall Rainey, University of Georgia)