Week 4: April 27 - May 1

Sample Daily Schedule

Create a schedule for the week, and work through the content below at your own pace. You can do a little from each area each day, or theme days of the week and focus only on one or two areas per day.

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

English Language Arts & Literacy

Learning Goal:

I can read the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, analyze the story’s meaning and its use of dialogue by answering text-dependent questions and write my own dialogue with proper punctuation.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 120 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

View the attached presentation to take you through this week’s learning activities

  1. Watch the video and learn about dialect and local color and how they contribute to the dialogue in a story. (Slides 2-3)
  2. Read the dystopian short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and check for understanding and use of dialogue by answering text-based questions (Slides 4-9).
  3. View the presentation to read about the rules for punctuating dialogue (Slides 10-11).
  4. Practice punctuating dialogue with these practice sentences by adding quotation marks, speaker tags, and other necessary punctuation (Slides 12-13).
  5. Write your own dialogue! Remember what you read about dialect and try and include slang and words you actually say - make it seem realistic. Make sure you’re following all rules for punctuation. (Slide 14).
  6. Extension: Connect with a classmate. Share your dialogue with them and read for your characters out loud.

If you have questions over this week’s topics or tasks, don’t hesitate to reach out to your English or Literacy teachers.


Edmond has many math course offerings. CLICK HERE to find your course.


Learning Goal:

I can describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2.5 hours (150 minutes total)

Learn & Practice:

  1. Engage:
    • Monday: Watch It Watch this video on gravity.
    • After the video, Practice using a short quiz to check your understanding!
    • Call another student and compare any answers that you got wrong- discuss with each other what the correct answer is and explain it!
  2. Explore:
    • Tuesday: Read It Read about orbital motion.
    • Then Explore the simulation on Newton’s Cannon. (It’s really cool! Make sure you have 20 minutes to spend on it.)
    • Find a parent or guardian and explain orbital motion to them. Try to amaze them with at least three facts that you learned in the reading!
  3. Learn & Explain: Use the content below to learn some key information. Take notes as you learn:
    • Wednesday: Research It Research planetary motion by viewing the “Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion” video.
    • On the same page, do the “Gravity and Space Practice Problems”.
    • Spend 90 second writing down as many questions as you can think of about planetary motion. (Actually set a timer!)
    • Spend 15-20 minutes investigating, observing, and researching, as much as your can about the phenomena.
  4. Elaborate: Use the resources below to go deeper and apply the learning to new levels.
    • Thursday: Explore It Read about “Planet Orbits in the Solar System”.
    • Then explore the “Attacking Asteroids” module on the same page and think about the thought questions. Contact at least one fellow student and share what you think!
  5. Do & Connect:
    • Friday: Illustrate It First, read “Gravity”.
    • Then on the same page, further illustrate everything that you have learned this week by trying the simulation, the “Astronaut Training Chamber.” (It’s really cool! Make sure you have 20 minutes to spend on it.)

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

I can evaluate the effects of human modification of and adaptation to the natural environment through transformation caused by agriculture, the use of modern irrigation methods, industry, demand for energy, and urbanization.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 120 minutes

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

Part 1: Supporting China’s Large Population

  1. Review China’s Physical Geography
  2. Compare population density and climate maps of China.
  3. Answer questions about the maps.
  4. Read about China’s Environmental Challenges (4 slides)
  5. Watch a video over China’s Energy Demand
  6. Answer true/false questions to review part 1.

Part 2: China’s Three Gorges Dam

  1. Study an infographic to learn about the Three Gorges Dam.
  2. Watch a timelapse of the building of the Three Gorges Dam
  3. Read the article(two slides) The Long River Dam and identify the pros and cons of the project.
  4. Watch a video about the Three Gorges Dam.
  5. Evaluate the pros and cons of the dam. Pick a statement you feel strongly about and write a short paragraph explaining your stance.

Part 3: Land use in Japan and the Koreas

  1. Study the map showing land use in Japan and the Koreas.
  2. Read an excerpt from the textbook(4 slides) about land use in Japan and the Koreas.
  3. Analyze a graphic showing imports and exports from Japan, North Korea and South Korea. Answer the questions using information from the graphic.
  4. Watch a video about Japan’s physical geography and identify three ways Japan’s geography influences the way people live.
  5. Answer the review questions over part 3.

Part 4: Adapting to Challenges in Japan and the Koreas

  1. Read an excerpt from the textbook(5 slides) about Adapting to Challenges in Japan and the Koreas.
  2. Answer the review questions over the reading.
  3. Watch a video about how people adapt to living in densely populated cities.
  4. Look over the infographic and answer the questions.

Part 5: Week 4 Review

  1. Play a game of quizizz to review what you learned this week.


*Note: Click here for the Gateway to Tech course (different from the STEM learning below).

Learning Goal: Explore the career of a Mining Engineer.

I can explain what a mining engineer does.

Estimated Time for The Week:

2 hours (120 minutes) total


    • Device with Internet access
    • Paper (optional)
    • Pencil/Pen (optional)

Learn & Practice:

    1. Make sure you're logged into Discovery Education with your school account.
    2. Click here for your DE Studio Board: Mining Engineer on the career of a Mining Engineer that will guide you through the below directions.
    3. The Studio Board will guide you as you learn about the requirements to become a Mining Engineer and their salary.
    4. Background: Mining isn’t just digging in the dirt. You will take on the persona of a miner who is tasked with finding important and valuable resources. You will have a budget of 21Φ (Φ = the currency you will be using) to work with so you have to make wise choices. Track your progress on the data collection sheet to balance your finances with the information in the Studio Board for "Cost" and "Profit."
    5. Challenge: Mine as much chocolate as possible from a chocolate chip cookie. In the simulation, you will need to purchase the cookie (your plot of land), tools, and factor labor and damage into your costs. Your job is to make the most profit while causing minimal damage to the environment. You will use the information in the Studio Board for "Cost" and "Profit."
    6. Research:
      • Research methods of mining.
      • Explore http://www.digintomining.com to learn about environmental impact and the strategic planning that goes into mining.
    7. Create
      • Once you have analyzed and chosen your mining method, you may choose and purchase your materials.
    8. Follow-up:
      • Research and share steps that your community can take after mining. These steps should help to restore and reclaim the land used for the mining.
    9. Share:
      • Share your plan with your family or friends (or any teacher you want). Compare methods and discuss rationales. Be sure to reference your research!
    10. Extend your learning:
      • Extend the challenge by creating a public service announcement for your city explaining your mining efforts and how it will affect your local economy and environment.
      • Watch this Discovery Education video on mining engineers: http://bit.ly/2yiML7m
      • Learn about copper mining with this exploration and discovery activity: http://bit.ly/2tpAjyQ

Electives & Programs


Computer Science 6-8

Gateway to Tech



P.E. & Health

Tween Life (7th)

8 Ways To Keep Learning When School Is On A Break
eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break