Week 2: April 13-17

Sample Daily Schedule

Create a schedule for the week, and work through the content below at your own pace. You can do a little from each area each day, or focus only on one or two areas per day.

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

English Language Arts & Literacy

Learning Goal:

I can read the short story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, analyze the story’s plot, theme, and characterization by answering text-dependent questions on the Quizizz platform, and compose an alternative ending to the dystopian narrative.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 120 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  1. View the attached presentation to watch this video and learn about dystopian literature. (slides 2-3)
  2. Read the dystopian short story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut and check understanding by answering text-based questions. (slides 4-8)
    • To read the story in Spanish, click here.
    • To listen to an audio version, click here.
  3. Complete the Quizizz game to answer text-dependent questions about plot, theme, and characterization. (slide 9)
  4. Write your own ending to the story. (slide 10)
  5. Reflect. (slide 11)

If you have questions over this week’s topics or tasks, don’t hesitate to reach out to your English or Literacy teachers.


Edmond has many math course offerings. CLICK HERE to find your course.


Learning Goal:

I can describe how the unequal heating and rotation of the earth determines regional climates.

Estimated Time for The Week: 60-90 minutes

Learn & Practice:

  1. Read the Article about Weather (You DON’T have to sign up for CK-12 in order to read and complete the practice.)
  2. Ask yourself questions like:
    • What Is Weather?
    • What is Climate?
    • What causes Weather?
    • Extra: What is the Weather and Climate for Oklahoma?
  3. Complete the reading check
  4. Practice: CLICK “Start Practice” or “View Practice” and answer practice questions over the article. (You may only see the image of a green head/brain to click on if you are using a phone.) It will give you correct answers upon completion!
  5. Watch the Video About Natural Phenomena: Hurricanes, Tornados, and other weather! Start thinking about Oklahoma’s climate and the possibility for one of these natural phenomena to occur. What are the factors that play a role in this?
  6. Recap What have we learned so far?
    • All Weather takes place in the atmosphere
    • Climate is the average of weather over a long period of time
    • Weather occurs because of unequal heating of the atmosphere
  7. Research: Use a plix simulation and research the different weather/climates in two different countries. One country is CLOSE to the equator, and one country is FARTHER from the equator. These countries are affected by the unequal heating of the earth! DO this simulation over Solar Energy and Latitude.
    • Research the weather and climate in Norway and Ecuador. Choose a city for each country to research specifically from the list provided. Once you have chosen a city for each country, look at the graphs provided for “Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year” and “Average monthly hours of sunshine over the year.”
    • How do the graphs compare for the city in Norway versus the city in Ecuador?
    • How does the uneven heating of the Earth affect the specific climates for Norway and Ecuador?
    • Which country is closer to the equator? Which country is farther away?
  8. Create a brochure, using paper, about the two different countries you researched!
    • Add color and pictures if you want!
    • List facts and useful information about the climate of each country.
  9. Check your research using these answers
  10. Be curious: conduct a 2-minute search online to learn something new about Oklahoma Climate or Tornadoes (For real- set a timer!)
  11. Connect with a classmate and discuss what you’ve learned!

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

I can describe the governments of China, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan. I can explain how they are similar and how they are different.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 120 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Review government types. Slides 2-4 provide a brief review of government types and vocabulary. If you do not feel entirely confident with identifying government styles, spend a few minutes reviewing these slides! To access the video from this page, please CLICK HERE.
  2. The Government of China
    • Read through these slides to learn more about China. Fill out a graphic organizer
    • Watch the two videos on slide 9. The two videos( linked HERE and HERE) are designed to teach us about how the Chinese government works. One video was created by the Chinese government and one video was created by a foreign news channel. As you watch the videos, think about how they are similar and how they are different. Do you notice if one video speaks more supportively of the government? Are there any facts that are completely different?
    • Extension: This video is more in-depth over the Chinese government. This is for students who want to learn more beyond the original lesson.
  3. The Government of Japan
    • Read through slides to learn more about Japan. Continue to fill out your graphic organizer from the lesson on China.
    • After reading about China, review your understanding with this T/F statement.
    • Watch the video about the 2020 Summer Olympics. Write down two facts you learned from the clip. Do you agree with postponing the summer Olympics? Why or why not?.
    • Extension: This video is more in-depth over the Japanese Emperor. This is for students who want to learn more beyond the original lesson.
  4. The Government of North Korea
  5. The Government of South Korea
    • Read through slides to learn more about South Korea. Continue to fill out your graphic organizer from the lesson on China, Japan, and North Korea.
    • Watch the video on slide 30 to hear what young South Koreans think about living so close to North Korea. Did they respond like you had expected? Can you think of any misconceptions that the rest of the world might have about living in the United States or in Oklahoma?
  6. Comparing the Countries


*Note: Click here for the Gateway to Tech course (different from the STEM learning below).

Learning Goal: Explore the career of a Logistician.

I can explain what a logistician does.

Estimated Time for The Week:

2 hours (120 minutes) total

Learn & Practice:

    1. Make sure your logged into Discovery Education with your school account.
    2. Click here for your DE Studio Board: Logistician on the career of a Logistician that will guide you through the below directions.
    3. The Studio Board will guide you as you learn about the requirements to become a Logistician and their salary.
    4. You will take the role of a logistician! You will create a shipping schedule using actual companies. You will be shipping a 5 lb. box originating from your hometown. The box’s dimensions are 12in x 12in x 12in.
    5. Explore and review rates of the following shipping companies. Decide the best method for shipping goods from your hometown. Include in your report the cost of shipment, the company used, and the time it will take for the goods to reach the consumer. Shipping locations will include Los Angeles, New York City, Nashville, Honolulu, and Orlando.
    6. Design a shipping schedule and a map with shipping rates. Be prepared to pitch or explain the shipping schedule to your boss, and explain your group’s claims for cost effectiveness. You can use DE Studio, Google Sheets, Google Slides, etc.
    7. Extend your learning:

Electives & Programs


Computer Science 6-8

Gateway to Tech



P.E. & Health

Tween Life (7th)

8 Ways To Keep Learning When School Is On A Break
eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break