Week 3: April 20-24

Sample Daily Schedule

Create a schedule for the week, and work through the content below at your own pace. You can do a little from each area each day, or theme days of the week and focus only on one or two areas per day.

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

English Language Arts & Literacy

Learning Goal:

  • I can determine the meaning of unknown words by understanding their context.
  • I can use IDEAS to find the meaning of unknown words.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1. 5 hours, 90 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

  1. Follow this presentation to complete the learning activities for Week 3.
  2. Learn about using IDEAS to help you discover the meaning of an unknown word by watching the Khan Academy video. Practice using IDEAS by reading and answering the questions over the passage, Inscribing Rebellion.
  3. Continue practicing by reading and answering the questions over the passages, Don't Count Your Dinosaurs Before They Hatch and The Banana Club.
  4. Read and answer the questions to Somewhere in the Cosmos…. Play a game to review your knowledge of context clues.
  5. Read the excerpt from J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and figure out which word should replace each nonsense word by using the context clues.
  6. Read and answer the questions to Courage in the Wild. Play a game to review your knowledge of context clues.
  7. Extend your knowledge of context clues by attempting the Jabberwocky Challenge! Share your creation with a friend, family member, or teacher!


Edmond has many math course offerings. CLICK HERE to find your course.


Learning Goal:

I can explain the ways that organisms in an ecosystem interact with each other and how these relationships affect those populations.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

  • Watch these videos from National Geographic. Consider how the organisms interact in each video.
  • Read this article on the types of ecological relationships. Then look/think back to the videos you just watched. Can you tell what type of relationship was present in each video?
  • Create a model of a predator-prey relationship. Follow the directions on this slideshow.
  • Reflect using the analysis questions in the slideshow after the activity.
  • Connect with a classmate. Call or email or email them and ask them to share their findings from the Lynx and the Hare activity in the slideshow.
  • Be curious; conduct a 2-minute search online to learn something new about a type of ecological relationship other than predation.

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

Explain how Oklahomans come together to help one another during difficult times, such as recovering from the bombing of the Oklahoma City Murrah Building, exhibiting what has become the “Oklahoma Standard”.

Students will be able to describe countries (Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay Argentina, Peru, Chile) in the Andes and Pampas region using the following measures:

literacy, life expectancy and standard of living.

describe resources and economy of the region.

describe the people and culture of Andes and Pampas region

Estimated Time for the Week: 2.25 hours, 135 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

  1. Watch the OKC Bombing and summarize two key facts over the video
  2. Explore the Memorial website artifact page.
    • Choose the most interesting artifact you found and write a summary! Reflection: How can you display and develop the Oklahoma Standard at your school?
  3. Watch the Oklahoma Standard.
  4. Explore the Oklahoma Standard website and reflect on how you can display the Oklahoma Standard at your school

Andes and Pampas - literacy, life expectancy and standard of living.

  1. Watch: People of the Andes Discovery Ed Video
  2. Review definition of standard of living
  3. Read: People in Andes and The Pampas.
  4. Practice: Analyze charts on ourworldindata.org
  5. Complete: Andes and Pampas Data Analysis

Economy and Resources of the Andes and Pampas

  1. Read: Regional Economies
  2. Explore: Observatory for Economic Complexity(OEC) Website
  3. Practice: Using the link: OEC Website, answer the following questions:
  • What does Bolivia export the most?
  • What does Argentina import the most?
  • What food product does Chile export the most and what country do they get it from?
  • What does Ecuador import the most?
  • Answer Key

History, People and Culture of the Andes and Pampas

  1. Read about the social classes during the colonial period
  2. Watch: Simon Bolivar-Discovery Ed
  3. Read: Indigenous Revival
  4. Watch: People of the Andes-Pt 2
  5. Practice: 3-2-1 History, People and Culture

Latin America Independence Movements and Review

Watch: Latin America Independence Movements-Khan Academy

Practice: Quizizz on South America curriculum


Learning Goal: Explore the career of an Astronaut.

I can explain what a Astronaut does.

Estimated Time for The Week:

2 hours (120 minutes) total


    • Device with Internet access

Learn & Practice:

    1. Make sure your logged into Discovery Education with your school account.
    2. Click here for your DE Studio Board: Astronaut on the career of an Astronaut.
    3. The Studio Board will guide you as you learn about the requirements to become an Astronaut and their salary.
    4. Challenge: Your task is to take on the role of an astronaut, helping to design and test the landing craft for the Orion mission! The engineers have built a carrier capable of withstanding re-entry into the atmosphere and landing safely in the ocean, However, there is a chance that the capsule will land upside down in the water, compromising the safety of you and your team. You are now tasked with working with NASA engineers to design an effective safety system to upright the landing carrier in the event of an inverted water landing!
    5. Explore information on NASA’s Orion: https://www.nasa.gov/content/j2mgetting-to-mars-sls-and-orion
    6. Using materials from around your house/classroom, blueprint and build a prototype of your water landing safety system. To meet all the safety regulations for the Orion lander, your safety system must:
      • Safely turn the landing craft right side up should it land upside down in the water.
      • Have an activation method (automatic or manual).
    7. Design a prototype of your landing system and test it.
    8. Share your safety system with your family or friends, or teacher if you want! Have a discussion about what the landing safety systems all have in common, then analyze how the design and materials upright the carrier.
    9. Extend your learning:

Electives & Programs


Computer Science 6-8



P.E. & Health

8 Ways To Keep Learning When School Is On A Break
eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break