Quick Writes

What is a Quick Write?

Typically it involves about 5 minutes of writing in our RWN.

Purpose: It's an invitation for you to play in your notebook with different ideas, information, and genres.

The goal is to put words on the page. Your thinking on the page.

  • You may be asked to respond to a prompt or ‘Mentor Text’ (we’ll get to that next)

  • You may be asked to elaborate on a previous topic or writing piece

  • QWs help you...

    • find your voice

    • develop your confidence

    • build your writing fluency and stamina by increasing volume

    • become a better writer AND reader


  • Write fast

  • Write the whole time

  • Silence your inner critic

  • Be yourself

Things that shouldn’t be happening during Quick Write time:

  • Talking with others. This is time to think with your own brain. If you are talking with others, you are creating a disruption; essentially stealing words from your classmate’s brain before they can commit them to paper. Don’t hinder them from being successful.

  • Books closed, pens down. Commit to writing the whole time. Use the strategies above to help you. Challenge yourself. You can do this...you really can.

  • Reading, gaming, snapchatting, you-tubing or any other distractions. Think you are done? Try looping. Try finding a spot in your writing to “say something more”. Write.

Quick writes are “no fail” writing, meaning:

  • You aren’t penalized for spelling or grammar

  • You aren’t penalized for writing in incomplete sentences

  • You aren’t penalized for writing out of order, starting in the middle, trailing off, repeating yourself, crossing out words etc.

  • You aren’t penalized for listing or sketching

  • You aren’t graded/assessed on what you write


  • Ungraded practice

    • Did you attempt the Quick Write?

    • Did you do your best?

    • Did you write the whole time?

Quick writes are your “daily output”, meaning that you are either 100% successful, or 0% successful. The choice is up to you.

Some strategies can be found below.

Strategies for Quick Writes