General Announcements: Welcome to Year 8!

Permission Notes

Homework club


This semester is divided into two major units. In the first term, we will focus on the key concept of character in our study of The Hobbit where students will evaluate how strong characters and genres are developed. In Term 2, we will focus on the key concepts of Literary Value. By examining a variety of poems we will analyse how language and style communicate ideas and add value to a text. Throughout the semester, students will also participate in group activities and weekly writing tasks based on The Writing Revolution to improve their core skills. 

Course Outline: English


In Year 8 Mathematics this semester, students study units on Real Numbers, Algebra and Index Laws, Pythagoras’ Theorem, Measurement and Time. The Semester 1 assignment will focus on strategies to help solve unusual problems. A major focus throughout this semester will be mathematical thinking, communicating and the further development of foundational numeracy skills. 

Course Outline: Mathematics


This semester is divided into two major units. In the first term students will investigate Medieval Europe (c.590 – c.1500). This unit focuses on investigating ways of life in Medieval Europe including social, cultural, economic and political features and the roles and relationships of different groups in society. Students will research and analyse the impact of significant individuals and cultural achievements whilst looking at continuity and change across the time period.

In the second term students study Landforms and Landscapes (6 weeks). This unit examines the processes that shape individual landforms, the values and meanings placed on landforms and landscapes by diverse cultures, hazards associated with landscapes, and management of landscapes. In the second half of Term 2, students will study Civics and Citizenship by examining responsibilities and freedoms of citizens and how Australians participate in their democracy, how laws are made and the types of laws in Australia.

Course Outline: HaSS


This semester students will be introduced to specialised cell structures and organelles and the roles they play in cellular function and analyse the relationship between structure and function at organ and body system levels. They compare different forms of energy and represent transfer and transformation of energy in simple systems.

Students analyse how different factors influence development of and lead to changes in scientific knowledge. They analyse the key considerations that inform scientific responses and how these responses impact society. Students describe potential ethical issues and intercultural considerations needed for specific field locations or use of secondary data.  They plan and conduct safe, reproducible investigations to test relationships and explore models. Students select and use language and text features appropriately for their purpose when communicating their ideas, findings and arguments to specific audiences.

Course Outline: Science

Health and Physical Education

In Physical Education this semester, students will apply personal and social skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships that promote fair play and inclusivity. They will participate in a variety of sports and activities, applying and refining movement concepts and strategies to suit different movement situations and games. Students will participate in regular fitness activities and have an opportunity to evaluate their performance and the performance of others. Students will develop movement skills and sequences through dance from a variety of cultures.

Course Outline: Health & Physical Education


At the beginning of this semester, we will be learning how to read and write in Katakana, the second of three scripts that Japanese people write in. Afterwards we will be building on our learning from last year, and recapping how to talk about our daily routine using time, nouns and verbs. To build on this we will be learning all about Japanese schools. Part of this will be learning how to say our school subjects, as well as more adjectives to describe our subjects and our teachers. We will also be learning about how to talk about our school timetable, using new vocabulary for classroom objects, and exploring Japanese culture through comparing Japanese and Australian schools.

Course Outline: Japanese

The Arts and Technology

The Arts program at Mount Stromlo High School provides students with experience and skills in all five areas of the Arts. Through the Arts, students learn to explore and express themselves as they discover and interpret the worlds around them, communicating ideas with current and emerging technologies and using arts knowledge and understanding to make sense of their worlds.

In year 7 and 8 students complete an Arts and Technology Rotation comprising of Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Art, Cooking, IT, Textiles and Woodwork.

Course Outline: Visual Arts

Course Outline: Music

Course Outline: Makerspace

Course Outline: Cooking

Course Outline: Media Arts

Course Outline: Drama

Course Outline: Dance

Course Outline: Metal Work


This semester is divided into two major units. In Term 1 students will explore the unit My Healthy Mind, where they will focus on self concept, understanding themselves, mindset and start to develop their own healthy mind toolkit. Students will evaluate and propose ideas to help look after their own and others wellbeing. In Term 2 students will explore the unit Relationships and Sexuality, where they will focus on the impact of physical changes on gender and sexual identities. Students will also investigate how changing feelings and attractions are part of developing sexual identities and respectful relationships. 

Course Outline: WHAM