
Learning Extension at Stromlo

LEX@S Overview

The Learning Extension at Stromlo (LEX@S) Program is offered to suitable students from years 7-10 at Mount Stromlo High School. Mount Stromlo High School recognises the need to extend students in their learning where students demonstrate an aptitude in different key learning areas. The LEX@S Program is open to all students who demonstrate an aptitude in a key learning area and is therefore not restricted to those identified as gifted and/or talented.


Students selected for the program may be placed in one or more key learning areas; English. Maths, Science and HaSS. In some senior year groups (Years 9/10), LEX@S electives may be offered and placements are subject to application. Grouping like minded peers has demonstrated positive impacts on students requiring extension in both academic and social learning needs. As such, students in the LEX@S Program will be offered a modified curriculum that extends learning, opportunities for leadership and access to extracurricular excursions among other enrichment learning opportunities.


New students enrolled at Mount Stromlo High School are tested using the Cognitive Ability Test to assist in the identification process. However, this is not the sole measure for potential placements. Students are identified through a range of objective and subjective measures so as to make the best judgements about student learning needs. These measures can include:

Placement decisions are managed by a range of staff that may include the Principal, School Psychologist, the LEX@S Team, Student Services and Executive Staff.


As outlined thought the Gifted and Talented Student Policy 2014, the definitions of Giftedness and Talent are:

Giftedness refers to a student’s outstanding natural abilities or aptitudes, located in one or more domains: intellectual, creative, social, perceptual or physical, and recognises the diverse abilities of students.

Talent refers to a student’s outstanding performance in one or more fields of human activity: academic, technical, science and technology, arts, social service, administration or sales, business operations, games or sports and athletics.

If you have any queries please contact Lauren Tabur, Gifted and Talented Liaison Offer:

Email: lauren.tabur@ed.act.edu.au

Phone: 6142 3436