Permission Notes

Homework club


This semester is divided into two major units. In the first term, students will consider how authors tell stories, by analysing various types of Narratives. This unit will involve a focus on written, visual and oral stories, and at the end of the term, students will use their knowledge to create their own story. In the second term, students will examine class texts with distinctive characters. Through these texts, they will reflect on how stories are influenced by Context and how things outside of a story can impact its meaning. Throughout the semester, students will also participate in group and individual activities, reading as a class and independently, as well as developing their core literacy skills through writing tasks. Throughout the semester, students will also participate in group activities, silent reading, and weekly writing tasks based on The Writing Revolution to develop core literacy skills.

Course Outline: English


In Year 7 Mathematics this semester, students will study units on Numbers, Fractions, Percentages, Decimals, Probability and Statistics.  The Semester 1 assignment will focus on interpreting  graphs. A major focus throughout this semester will be mathematical thinking, communicating and the further development of foundational numeracy skills. 

Course Outline: Mathematics


Year 7 Humanities and Social Sciences provides students a study of history and geography in Semester One. The first unit is Deep Time in Australia, focusing on the ongoing history, culture and connection that Indigenous Australians have had in Australia for over sixty thousand years. The study of the ancient world includes the discoveries and the mysteries about this period of history in Australia. We will look at artefacts from this time and what these items can tell us about ancient societies. In Term Two, students will be focusing on Civics and Citizenship, as well as Business and Economics. Civics and Citizenship provides students with a foundation of Australia’s political and legal systems. In Business and Economics, students will learn about how businesses operate and what makes a successful business. They will also explore why people work and what their rights and responsibilities are. 

Course Outline: HaSS


This semester students will explain how biological diversity is ordered and organised and will represent flows of matter and energy in ecosystems and predict the effects of environmental changes. Students will  model cycles in the Earth-sun-moon system and explain the effects of these cycles on Earth phenomena. By the end of the semester they will be able to explain how scientific responses are developed and can impact society. They will explain the role of science communication in shaping viewpoints, policies and regulations.

By the end of the semester, students will be able identify potential ethical issues and intercultural considerations required for field locations or use of secondary data. They will also be able to select and use language and text features appropriately for their purpose and audience when communicating their ideas and findings.

Course Outline: Science

Health and Physical Education

In Physical Education this semester, students will develop the fundamental movement skills of throwing, catching, striking, kicking and gymnastics through a range of activities. They will complete a Track and Field unit in preparation for the school athletics carnival and will participate in a social dance unit. Students will have opportunities to evaluate their performance and the performance of others throughout the semester. 

Course Outline: Health & Physical Education


In Year 7 Japanese, the first thing we will do is learn how to read and write in Hiragana, the first out of 3 scripts that Japanese write in. Afterwards we will learn how to introduce ourselves in Japanese using greetings, our name, age, nationality, and where we live. Finally, we will learn about Japanese food. During the food unit, students learn how to order food from a restaurant, how to describe food, and learn about some Japanese dishes.

Course Outline: Japanese

The Arts and Technology

The Arts program at Mount Stromlo High School provides students with experience and skills in all five areas of the Arts. Through the Arts, students learn to explore and express themselves as they discover and interpret the worlds around them, communicating ideas with current and emerging technologies and using arts knowledge and understanding to make sense of their worlds.

In year 7 and 8 students complete an Arts and Technology Rotation comprising of Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Art, Cooking, IT, Textiles and Woodwork.

Course Outline: Visual Arts

Course Outline: Drama

Course Outline: Music

Course Outline: Photography

Course Outline: Makerspace

Course Outline: Dance

Course Outline: Metal Work


This semester is divided into two major units which aim to develop self-awareness and self-management. In term 1, we will focus on the development of skills needed for a successful transition to high school and consider the impact the 5 dimensions of health can have on overall well-being.  In term 2, students will explore the physical, emotional, social and intellectual changes that occur during adolescence and consider how they impact on personal identity. They will investigate, evaluate and recommend strategies and resources to help manage the changes occurring during adolescence.

Course Outline: WHAM