Wellbeing, Health, Awareness, and Management (WHAM) began as a cross-curricula subject between Health and the Social and Emotional learning capabilities, at Stromlo High at the beginning 2021. This was in accordance with one of the two whole school priorities which was centered around the improvement of school culture.

Prior to 2021, Mount Stromlo taught Health for the first 3 weeks of each term (followed by 7 weeks of Physical Education.) We also had LONG TEAM which was our 'Social and Emotional learning' equivalent, one hour every fortnight.

Mount Stromlo wanted to create a more consistent program and combine both the Health curriculum, but also Social and Emotional capabilities. In alignment with the whole school priority (as seen on the right), two hours a week was dedicated to a new subject, called WHAM.

Aside from this subject addition being a part of the whole school vision, there is full integration with the PBL implementation, there is utilisation of dedicated teachers who are interested in teaching the subject, it's evidence-based and treats wellbeing as important. Helping to develop well-rounded individuals at Mount Stromlo High school.