Unwell? Stay At Home!

Unwell at home? What to do ...

  • If your child feels sick, do not send them to school.

  • If they have COVID-19 symptoms, get tested and stay at home until you receive your test result.

  • Email LynehamHS.Absences@ed.act.edu.au or phone 6142 1174 to advise the school that your child is absent due to illness.

Unwell at school? What to do ...

  • If your child feels sick during the school day, they should report to the Front Office (sick bay).

  • If your child presents with COVID-19 symptoms, they will be isolated from other staff and students. Staff wearing PPE will care for your child until they are collected by a parent/carer.

  • When a parent/carer arrives at the school to collect their child, this will involve a contactless pickup from the front of the school. REMOVE: Parents should avoid entering the school building unless it is an emergency.

We are prepared to respond to a positive COVID-19 case on campus. ACT Health will provide direction to the school and community, which may result in a full or partial school closure.