People Movement

  • Rules from 2021 and early 2022 that changed the general movement of students within the building are no longer in place.

Arriving at school / Departing from school

  • Where possible, we encourage parents not to drop their child(ren) off at school prior to 8.30am.

  • Before school, students must remain outside the building until the bell rings at 8.50am. If students arrive at school before 8.50am, they must stay within the designated playground areas for their cohort (i.e. 7/8 or 9/10).

  • After the bell, students should enter the building and go straight to home group.

  • If a student arrives to school late, they should report to the Front Office to sign in as normal before going to class.

  • If before school starts it is raining or there are extreme weather conditions, students will be directed to the allocated wet weather area for their year group cohort.

  • Students will finish school at 3.05pm and should leave the school grounds immediately unless they are participating in an approved after -hours club or similar activity.

  • Students who ride to school should continue to use the bike compound to secure their bike during the day. Both gates to the bike compound will be opened in the morning and afternoon to provide maximum access. Students should be patient and avoid crowding within the bike compound during busy times at the start and end of the day.