Device Accessibility

ECRCHS will make every effort to ensure school laptops and software are accessible and ADA compliant. If you own personal accessibility software, such as a screen reader, that you would like installed on your school laptop, please contact the ECR Tech office to see if this is possible.

Enlarge Items on My Screen

Magnifier is a tool that enlarges your screen, so you can see words and images better. You can magnify the entire screen or just a part of it and move the magnifier where you want it on your desktop. Magnifier can also smooth edges of images and text when itโ€™s zoomed in. To turn on magnifier and zoom in, press windows logo key + plus sign (+). To zoom out, press the windows logo key + minus sign (-). To exit the magnifier, press windows logo key + esc.

Improve Visibility with High Contrast

High contrast increases the color contrast between the foreground and background on your screen, making text and images more distinct and easier to identify. To turn on high contrast, press left Alt + left Shift + Print Screen.

Change the Size of Text, Apps, And Other Items

If text and other items on the desktop are too small, you can make them larger without changing the screen resolution or turning on Magnifier. To change the sizes, open settings by pressing Windows Logo Key + I. Select System > Display. Under change the size of text, apps, and other items, select the size that you want.

Zoom in Or Out of Documents

You can increase the size of pages in Word documents, PowerPoint slides, Excel spreadsheets and other documents in Office. To quickly zoom in or out, press Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up/Down. Or you can use the slider on the status bar to zoom in and out. You can also specify the Zoom from the View tab on the Ribbon.