Chromebook Issues

Replace a Broken Part

If a part needs to be replaced on your Chromebook, see Mrs. Lee between 6:45 and 7:30 AM daily in the library.

Cracked LCD Screen $100

New Charger $35

Missing Keys $5 per key

Broken Hinges $60

(Screen is separating when opened.)

Reset your Chromebook

Chromebook Issue:

Chromebook will not turn on.

Wifi will not connect.

Keyboard does not work.

Chromebook freezes.

Use this video to reset your Chromebook. Before starting, plug your Chromebook into a charger. The first step requires you to press ESC, refresh, and power button at same time (see video).

If this does not resolve the issue, see Mrs. Lee between 6:45 and 7:30 AM daily in the library.

Powerwash your Chromebook

Chromebook Issue:

Google Classroom asks you to re-login.

Your screen is zoomed in.

You need to change a setting.

Your Chromebook is slow.

Wifi will not connect.

A powerwash fixes most issues. Use this video to powerwash your Chromebook. The first step requires you to press shift, ctrl, alt, and R button at same time (see video).

If this does not resolve the issue, see Mrs. Lee between 6:45 and 7:30 AM daily in the library.