Language arts (ELA)

Fountas and Pinnell

As a district, we implement a reading series by Fountas and Pinnell. F &P is rich in skills offering many types of reading opportunities. 

F & P Components:

Wilson Fundations

For our phonics and phonemic awareness growth, we are using the Wilson Fundations program. This program will be completed 5-days a week in 30-minute sessions. 

This program is used to practice our letters, letter sounds, and word building skills. Students will also practice proper handwriting and sentence writing. This helps prepare students early reading skills to help them read grade-level texts.  


A supplemental program called Heggerty Phonemic Awareness is used in combination with Fundations in 2nd grade. This program is designed to support existing literacy curriculum and improve students' reading, spelling, and writing abilities. 

Your child will engage in the program daily for 8-12 minutes in a whole group setting. 

Lessons provide daily opportunities to develop phoneme awareness and proficiency through:

Both Heggerty and Fundations are used to build and strengthen our phonics knowledge!