Policies and Procedures

Homework policy

Homework is an important part of school. It allows students to engage in meaningful practice of skills that are learned during the school day. Homework that is given to your child will be a reinforcement and practice of the skills we are currently focusing on in our second grade curriculum.

How much homework will your child receive?

Your child will receive a daily math sheet and either a phonics sheet or read for ten minutes assignment Mondays through Thursdays. Students are expected to receive 10 minutes of homework per grade level they are in. Therefore, because your child is in 2nd grade, their homework should take them a total of 20 minutes each night. All homework given will be perfect for your child so that he or she can complete it with minimal help from you. That does not mean that you should not or cannot help your child. Please do! Please check over your child’s homework and help them if you see mistakes. Math homework keys will be sent to you via the Seesaw app. Homework is designed for meaningful practice, not for confusing concepts or frustrating situations. If it is taking your child longer than 20 minutes to complete, please send me a message/email or a note in with your child to inform me and I will work with them.

Whose responsibility is homework?

Homework is the responsibility of the student. I will do my part in school to make sure assignments are copied in the assignment book and students are told where to put papers they are given each day. You can help me by checking and signing the assignment book and assigned sheet(s) each night to see if your child’s homework is neat, accurate, and complete to the best of his/her abilities. You can also help by making sure your child has his/her homework in their book bag and ready to be returned the next day. This process, day by day, will help your child develop independence and responsibility about belongings and jobs.

What happens if my child misses a homework assignment?

If your child is unable to do his/her homework the night before, please send in a note with him/her or email me explaining the reason for the missed assignment. I understand that sometimes emergencies happen in life and homework needs to take a backseat for the night. That’s okay! Just have your child complete it the next night and return it to me the following day. If your child is really struggling with his/her homework from the night before, just let me know by email or in writing. I will help him/her with it the next day, and it will not be a missed assignment. Also, if your child has been absent due to an illness, I will compile the missed work for your child to make up. Please know that I understand if it takes your child a few days to return the make up work to me. Their health is more important at this time. If your child does not complete an assignment or forgets it at home, you will receive an email from me letting you know of the missed assignment(s).


Tests/Quizzes/Assessments/Graded Pieces

Information regarding your child’s progress and mastery with Grade 2 Standards will be gathered in a variety of ways and presented to you via our Trimester Progress Report and Parent Teacher Conferences & Check-Ins. The District currently assigns 4,3,2,1 in ELA and Math in Grade 2 as well as Social and Emotional Growth. Your child will bring home all graded summative assessments in their Friday Folder, which will be sent home on some Friday's. Please review the assessments with your child, sign, and return. All assessments will be saved and shared with you at conferences and then may be kept after our review together.

See the District Website for Grading Policies and Questions about the Report Cards