
Dance Vision statement

We are communicators, real-world learners, creative problem-solvers, expressive, servant leaders, and the next generation of movers and shakers.

About Our Programs

The Del Valle ISD Dance Department consists of the Ojeda Middle School Charms, Dailey Middle School Dazzlers, Del Valle Middle School Sweethearts, and the Del Valle High School Cardinal Belles and Cardettes. We are proud of their incredible heart, dedication, and performances throughout the year!

Dance programs at the secondary campuses are offered to all students who select dance as an elective. Dance programs participate in competitive UIL events, competitive events, perform throughout central Texas and for various DVISD events. All students receive a comprehensive dance education ranging from jazz, to hip hop, to ballet.

Del Valle HS

Del Valle HS Kara Martinez

Dailey Middle School

Ana Zamora

Del Valle Middle School

Deanna Donahue

Ojeda Middle School

Shaobeny Johnson