To Marry or Not To Marry—Eadlyn Schreave

Katie Harris

"A Celebration of His Life" - Hailey Malik

To marry or not to marry—that is the question:

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The overshadowing of an unwanted husband,

Or to disappoint the king and my people harbor contempt for me.

To marry—no more—and by marrying I end the heartache of my dear people and father

‘Tis a consumption devoutly to be wished. To marry, to please—to make proud

I gain the support of Illéa and all those who oppose the queen

Ay, there’s the rub: For if I marry and please the people,

Who is to say that the prince will not rise up against me and take power?

Who is to say he will not mistreat me, as Clarkson Shreave once did my father?

What will stop this prince consort from overtaking me and my kingdom?

Or not to marry—to be joyful, to disappoint, to rule

For not marrying would make me powerful, overwhelmed with joy,

To spend my life with my brother Ahren at my side—my other half-,

But to let down my parents, and my country so beloved.

For who would bear the pains and scorns of marriage

If it was only full of unbearable suffering as I have described?

Who would devote their life to someone who will inevitably overtake them?

For marriage must have its upsides—if not, who would marry then?

Alas, I have made my decision:

I shall find a worthy companion through this selection, as my parents once did.

I can only hope to find one who matches my loyalty and adoration for Illéa.

I shall make the king proud, please my subjects, even if it means my own suffering and downfall.