
Phonemic Awareness



Review the letters and sounds of the alphabet

Phonics ABC Song

If your child is ready to learn sight words, this is a great video

Sight Words

Check out the video below to help you teach a blend

What Is a Blend?

Activity: Pick some of the blends that you learn from the videos; write the blend, then write the word and draw a picture of the word.

Fun with Phonics

Examples.: gr, grass, draw a picture of some grass. E.G.: dr, dragon, draw a picture of a dragon.

The reading skill your child is working on today is predicting, ability to guess or think about what will happen next in a book.

Read the story: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

Say: The driver of the bus leaves, and says, “Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus.”

  • ASK: Why do you think he doesn’t want the pigeon to drive the bus?

  • ASK: Do you think the pigeon will drive the bus?

Say: Look at the Pigeon’s expressions throughout book

  • ASK: Why does the pigeon feel sad? Frustrated?

Say: The bus driver takes the bus and the pigeon sees a fire truck.

  • ASK: What do you think the pigeon wants to do as he looks at the fire truck?

Create a T-chart with the labels “Predictions” “Confirmed”. Write or draw your predictions and what actually happened.

Have your child use play-dough (store bought or homemade) to roll out different shapes that they have learned about, and label them correctly (triangle, square, etc.) as well as shapes posted in the video below.


The Shape Song #2

Reflection Question:

How many sides does a square have? How do you know this? How many squares can you find in your house?

Ex: How many windows can you find in our house?

Homemade Playdough Recipe: Playdough Recipe


Social Studies


Have your child listen to the story and illustrate and label the chicken life cycle.

Resources: Life Cycle of a Chicken Penny

Have your child listen to the story:

Same, Same but Different

After watching the Read Aloud think about a friend who is the similar to you but is also different and discuss the following guiding questions:

  • Is it fun to have a friend that’s like you, why?

  • Is it fun to have a friend that is different from you, why?

  • What do you like the most about your friend that’s like you but is also different from you?

Create a Venn Diagram and use the following sentence stems while filling out Venn Diagram to compare yourself to your friend:

  • My favorite food is…

  • My favorite color is…

  • My favorite toy is…

  • My favorite animal is…

  • My favorite school is…

*Be sure to put your name on the left, friend name on right and both names in the middle.

You have been doing many learning activities at home with your parents. What has been your favorite activity?

Write a sentence using the following sentence stem and illustrate it.

  • My favorite activity was______________.