Pilot Year

Pilot Year Celebrations

The Innovation Grant allowed us to create 4 VR/AR Kits, one for each of the middle schools. Although 7th grade social studies and science was the pilot group, Tech Coaches worked with teachers in all areas to make use of the kits. The photo gallery will be updated regularly, so check back!

Our goal when coaching teachers in their use of VR/AR in the classroom is to get beyond the cool factor, and leverage these tools to transform instruction and impact student learning.

Impact on Student Learning

"When I was in the vacuole, it was like I was in a swimming pool! It makes sense that lots of the water is stored there!" – 6th grade student after experiencing YouTube 360 VR video of plant & animal cells.

Click on this image to view the #DublinInnovationGrant Twitter thread. This will give you an idea of how students are using the VR/AR kit to enhance their learning.