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Fictional stories may be based on actual events or people, or they may be based entirely on the author’s imagination. An easy way to remember fiction is that it is fake (F for Fake).

Dundee Elementary School

The One and Only Ivan


Charlotte's Web


Fictional stories may be based on actual events or people, or they may be based entirely on the author’s imagination. An easy way to remember fiction is that it is fake (F for Fake).

Dundee Elementary School

Who Was Steve Jobs?

Greta's Story

Historical Fiction

These stories take place in a particular time period in the past. Often the basic setting is real, but the characters are fictional.

Dundee Elementary School

Number the Stars

Esperanza Rising

Little House in the Big Woods


May contain elements of the supernatural good vs. evil, with the promise that evil may have an opportunity to win. Horror manipulates reality and is usually violent and haunting.

Dundee Elementary School


These are stories about facing odds against survival in a variety of times and places. Danger is everywhere and the character’s courage is challenged.

Dundee Elementary School

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children


These are stories that contain elements that are NOT realistic, such as talking animals, magical powers, etc. Make-believe is what this genre is all about.

Dundee Elementary School

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Keeper of The Lost Cities


These are made up stories about a mysterious event which is not explained or a crime that is not solved until the end of the story to keep the reader in suspense.

Dundee Elementary School

Science Fiction

Futuristic technology—a blend of scientific fact and fictional elements.

Dundee Elementary School

Graphic Novel

A story that is presented in comic-strip format and published as a book.

Merriam Webster

Realistic Fiction

These stories take place in modern time, right here and now. The characters are involved in events that could really happen.

Dundee Elementary School