
Academically the project is related to our topic Health & Diseases, Living World and Classification of Microbes. In this topic we have learnt about various types of diseases, how the diseases are spread, characteristics of viruses, introduction of viruses, Some diseases that can be easily spread through simple exposure and some are hereditary. We also learnt a big topic from this project:- ‘Viruses live at the edge of living and Nonliving’.

For around two years, we have been going through a pandemic. The concept of pandemic was new for us. But at last we have won the battle against this pandemic. But while fighting against it, there were many misconceptions.

We are here to burst some of the myths.

So let’s get started.

What is mutation?

Mutation is the property of a virus to undergo changes when it multiplies. As it replicates, there is emergence of new strain which may be more or at times less virulent.

Let's burst some myths regarding Covid 19.

1. Covid can be cured by using antiviral drugs….

Covid 19 is caused by a virus and not by a bacteria. And hence antibiotics are not effective. But in some complications patients can also develop bacterial infections. In these cases, Antibiotics may be recommended by physicians.

2. Vaccinations are allergic?

No! Vaccinations have not yet shown any allergy to any person. They are safe for everyone.

3. After vaccination we are totally safe and will not suffer with covid….

Precautions should be taken to prevent ourselves from Covid-19. If we are vaccinated, it doesn’t mean that we will not suffer from Covid. After vaccination 100% people don’t get 100% protection, it just helps us fight against Covid-19. So, it's necessary to take certain precautions for our betterment.