
We the students of STD. 8, are working for successful achievement of our project named 'Pandemic - Rise and Fall'. The objective is to create awareness about vaccination against COVID-19 and to inspire the young minds. We also achieved our academic objectives such as interviewing skills, coordinating skills, understanding roles and functions in Governance as well as being curious on applying them in real life situations.

Following concepts have been learnt while working on the project :-

  1. The work of 'The Sate Government' during COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. The role of the legislature of Maharashtra, Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly), Vidhan Parishad (Legislative Council), executive of respective states, coordination of chief ministers and council of ministers, their functions, etc.

  3. We were enlightened about the role of bureaucracy, its significance, its characteristics, the significance of civil servants i.e. bureaucrats.

We made an analysis of some characteristics of pandemic:-

1] Meaning of pandemic-

A pandemic is an occurrence of a disease that affects many people over a large or very wide area. It causes a lot of damage to the health and economic development of a country.

2] History of pandemic-

Black death was the first ever pandemic which engulfed Europe, Asia and North Africa. It affected people during the years 1346 to 1357 killing more than 200 million people.

3] Measures put forth by the Government to stop Covid -19

1] Obligatory to wear a mask.

2] Staggered working hours.

3] Lockdown at right times.

4] Spread awareness regarding COVID-19.

5] Introduced an Aarogya setu app to educate citizens and help them.

4] If at all in the future, this type of epidemic returns, all citizens should unite and fight it.