
Spanish PBL Project


Hola, me llamo Raquel y yo tengo quince anos. Yo atendo Drew Charter High School y soy en decimo grado. Humano tráfico es muy importante porque mucho gente esta víctima de el crisis. Yo pensar humano tráfico es muy mal porque humano trafico poder causa muerte. Las personas en humano tráfico son torturado y sufrimiento. Ellos tienen dolor y son solo. 

For this project, we were meant to research a type of trafficking. Me and my partner chose human trafficking and had to read an article about human trafficking in Spanish. We had to answer questions and fill out detailed slides with the information from the article.  Along with that we had to create an infographic about our type of trafficking. The article talked about who's affected by human trafficking, what percentage of human trafficking is in a certain area in Latin America, and why human trafficking happens. In my partner's and I's reflective paragraph we said that human trafficking is important because it can be very serious, it can cause death, how people that are trafficked are going through pain and suffering and how they are separated from the things they know.


For the Guernica Project, in science class, we learned about pigments and how to make our own, those pigments would later be used to color our final art piece. We learned about the materials used to make paint and the process towards making our own. 

World Literature

For the Guernica Project, in World Literature, we learned about propaganda. Specifically, how it was used to influence people in history and what aspects of a propaganda make it propaganda. We were in charge of making our own propaganda poster based on the tactics we learned in class. 

Art Composition

For the Guernica Project, in Art Comp II we learned about art materials and techniques we were going to use in our final Guernica Art Piece. Those techniques included painting techniques and sketching techniques. We had to chose a controversy and make an art piece that fit into the Guernica as whole and that represented that controversy. 


For the Guernica Project, in geometry class, similarly to World Literature, we learned about propaganda. Along with that we learned about the ways propaganda was represented in media and daily life. We were meant to make our own propaganda poster using misleading statistics as our focus. For my partner and I's poster we thought to do it from the perspective of someone that supports abuse and how they might try to convince other people its not that bad.