Food for Thought

The Grade Level project was a PBL project based around food. Specifically, it being the universal language of humanity and how food changes from teh past, present, and future. We focused on 4 main classes for this, Geometry, AP World History, World Literature, and Visual Arts. 


In Geometry, we studied food deserts and food swamps, learning about what they are, what classifies them as food deserts or swamps, and how we can solve them. 

AP World History 

In AP World History, we learned about the Columbian Exchange and about the food that came from the Western and Eastern Hemisphere and how they were impacted by the Columbian Exchange, and we had to create a dish based around the ingredients from each hemisphere. 

World Literature

In World Literature, we learned about different cultures in the form of reading the book “How the Garcia Girls lost their accents”, and by reading this we not only learned about their culture but also how hard it is for immigrants in a new country and how they adjusted to new life in the U.S.

Visual Art Comp II

Finally, for Visual Arts, we learned about different ancient civilizations and their pottery styles, our job was meant to create a dinner setting of pottery based around one of the ancient civilizations pottery we studied.