Engineering Applications


This year we are being challenged to make a pinball machine for our culminating project for our Engineering Pathway.

Project Requirements

Above is the requirements list for our project!


This project will use all disciplines of STEAM!

Stop Light


First Draft

We set up the Rasberry Pi Pico using female wires to make a stoplight pattern. 


Final Draft

We connected the Pico to a breakout board and stripped the wires to attach them.


LED Chaser Pattern

We programmed our Pico to consecutively light up the LED's on our breakout board into a chaser pattern. We used our serial monitors on the Mu Editor software to troubleshoot and get it working. GitHub Code Link 

Pinball Research

Start Button

Our class got together at an arcade to research pinball machines and their components. This is the start button of the pinball machine, one of many mechanical core components involved in making it work. After pressing the start button, the ball enters the chamber for the launcher to be used, as well as starting all of the other electronics to be game-ready.

Ball Launcher

The Ball Launcher is one other main component to the pinball machine. It deploys a ball into a narrow chamber, against a spring-powered rod you pull back and release to launch the ball forward and into the actual game.


The Target is a common component in pinball machines, registering when the ball comes in contact with it's face and reacting based on that. In this case, the box raised up after being hit, revealing more options for the ball to go. In most cases the target retreats under the game, indicating you gained points.


The bumpers of the pinball machine are another primary component. It uses an electric current that the ball conducts upon contact, causing the bumper to reacting and launch the pinball away. A solenoid is used to cause the reaction and make the machine move.

Component Sketches

Launcher Sketch

I drew the Pinball Launcher in detail, demonstrating what it looks like and giving an idea of how it works.

Bumper Sketch

I drew the full Pinball Bumper schematic, including the solenoid and parts that go under the actual game.

Unique Components

3 Different Lighting Types

Scoreboard Buttons Working

We connected two buttons to our breakout board, wiring them to the Pico so when you press each one it changes the score value or ball count value on the LCD screen.

Below is my GitHub repository code.

9/13/23 OnShape Drawing in Engineering


We used the dimension tool, corner rectangles, and center point rectangles.

Rectangles & Circles

We used center point circles, corner rectangles, and the dimension tool.

Robot Sides

We used corner rectangles, the dimension tool, and the linear pattern tool.


We used corner recntangles and the linear pattern tool, as well as extruded it into a drawing.

9/27/23 OnShape Drawing in Engineering


We used the corner rectangle tool, the dimension tool, and the linear pattern tool to extrude our sketch of a pyramid.


We used the center point circle tool, the dimension tool, and the line tool to extrude our sketches of a donut.

Cone (Bumper Prototype)

We used the line tool and the dimension tool to extrude our sketches of a cone.

Target / Target Body

We used the center point rectangle, trim, line, dimension, and linear pattern tool to design a sketch for our pinball targets.


We used the line tool, center point circle, cut tool, and dimension tool to extrude the sketch of the horseshoe.


We used the line tool, center point circle, cut tool, dimension tool, and sketch fillet tool to extrude the sketch of the part.

Bumper Research 

Video #1

This video shows the method in which he allowed the current to connect when the ball hits, giving me an idea on how to make the bumper react to ball contact.

Video #2

This graphic gives a detailed demonstration on how a proper bumper functions and all of the components going into it.

Video #3

This is a 3D printer bumper, designed similarly to how ours will function. I can use this as a basis to inspiree my design and shape.

 What is the function of a bumper/flipper? 

Bumpers are a key component of pinball machines, acting as a target to gain points upon contact with the ball. They use a cone-shaped part connected to a solenoid to push down the ball and launch it away when the ball hits, with the ball acting as a conductor and completing the circuit making the solenoid react.

Describe in your own words, once your bumper/flipper is installed, how you will consider it to be successful.   

It will be successful when the bumper reacts to every time the ball hits, as well as the score increasing.

As of this year, one of the expectations of your engineering knowledge is that you can develop your own set of constraints.  Use the target constraints as a guide.  Develop a comprehensive list of project constraints for your flipper/bumper (10-20 requirements). 

What is the “switch” that controls the mechanism?  Describe it. Add an image of one.  

Two conductors that act as an open circuit until the ball connects, triggering the solenoid and closing the circuit.

What is the electromechanical component that creates the movement?


Bumper Sketch

The ball makes contact with the downward cone and the base plate at the same time, completeing the current and triggering the solenoid to react and bump the ball away.

Final Pinball Machine


Full Functionality

These videos demonstrate the full functionality, playability, and aethetics of our completed pinball machine.



The pinball bumpers activate upon being struck by the ball, launching it away and increasing points. They are designed to look like green shells from Mario.



The targets are connected to the neopixel strips, activating the LEDs and triggering a score increase an.



Pinball flippers activate upon the buttons being pressed, allowing the player to launch the balls away from the ball return. They are designed to look like the Pirahna Plants from Mario.



The launcher initiates the pinball game and puts the ball in play.


Neopixel LED

Neopixel LED strips that light up when certain mechanical components are activated.



An LCD screen that displays the score, with the amount of points altering based on which mechanical device is activated.



A rotating Bullet Bill from Mario that is attached to a servo motor, pushing the ball.


Unique Mechanical Component

A gyrating brick design that is attached to a servo motor, blocking the ball.

Final Code Dropdown

import board

import digitalio

import time

import busio

import neopixel

from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull

from adafruit_motor import servo

import pwmio


score_button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

score_button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP


ball_count_button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

ball_count_button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP


score_buttonb.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

score_buttonb.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP


score_buttonc.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT

score_buttonc.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

from lcd.lcd import LCD

from lcd.i2c_pcf8574_interface import I2CPCF8574Interface





score = 0

ball_count = 3

i2c = busio.I2C(board.GP1, board.GP0)

# Talk to the LCD at I2C address 0x27.

lcd = LCD(I2CPCF8574Interface(i2c, 0x27), num_rows=2, num_cols=20)


RED   = (225,   0,   0)

BLUE   = (0,   150,   230)

BLACK  = (  0,   0,   0) # 0% of all colors (turns the LED off)

led_strip1_pin = board.GP19

led_strip1_num_pixels = 5

led_strip1 = neopixel.NeoPixel(led_strip1_pin, led_strip1_num_pixels, brightness=0.3, auto_write=True)


led_strip2_pin = board.GP4

led_strip2_num_pixels = 5

led_strip2 = neopixel.NeoPixel(led_strip2_pin, led_strip2_num_pixels, brightness=0.3, auto_write=True)


led_strip3_pin = board.GP6

led_strip3_num_pixels = 5

led_strip3 = neopixel.NeoPixel(led_strip3_pin, led_strip3_num_pixels, brightness=0.3, auto_write=True)


led_strip4_pin = board.GP7

led_strip4_num_pixels = 5

led_strip4 = neopixel.NeoPixel(led_strip4_pin, led_strip4_num_pixels, brightness=0.3, auto_write=True)


led_strip5_pin = board.GP8

led_strip5_num_pixels = 5

led_strip5 = neopixel.NeoPixel(led_strip5_pin, led_strip5_num_pixels, brightness=0.3, auto_write=True)


flipper1_solenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP2)

flipper1_solenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

flipper1_solenoid.value = False

flipper1_button = DigitalInOut(board.GP12)

flipper1_button.direction = Direction.INPUT

flipper1_button.pull = Pull.UP

flipper2_solenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP21)

flipper2_solenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

flipper2_solenoid.value = False

flipper2_button = DigitalInOut(board.GP13)

flipper2_button.direction = Direction.INPUT

flipper2_button.pull = Pull.UP

flipperb_solenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP16)

flipperb_solenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

flipperb_solenoid.value = False

flipperb_button = DigitalInOut(board.GP15)

flipperb_button.direction = Direction.INPUT

flipperb_button.pull = Pull.UP

flipperb2_solenoid = DigitalInOut(board.GP11)

flipperb2_solenoid.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

flipperb2_solenoid.value = False

flipperb2_button = DigitalInOut(board.GP14)

flipperb2_button.direction = Direction.INPUT

flipperb2_button.pull = Pull.UP

pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP17, duty_cycle=2 ** 15, frequency=50)

pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(board.GP20, duty_cycle=2 ** 15, frequency=50)

my_servo = servo.Servo(pwm)

servo2 = servo.Servo(pwm)

my_servo.angle = 0

servo2.angle = 0

while True:



    lcd.print("Ball Count")




    lcd.set_cursor_pos(1, 1)

    lcd.print("Score: ")





    if score_button.value == True:

        print("button not pressed")


    if score_buttonb.value == True:

        print("button not pressed")


    if score_buttonc.value == True:

        print("button not pressed")


    if score_buttonb.value == False:

        score = score+45000

    if ball_count_button.value == False:

       ball_count= ball_count-1

    if score_buttonc.value == False:

        print("scorebuttonc pressed")

        score = score+20000



    if score_buttonb.value == False:

        print("scorebuttonb pressed")


    if score_button.value == False:

        score = score+30000

        print("scorebutton pressed")

        print("led 1 is on")



    if (flipper1_button.value == True):

        flipper1_solenoid.value = False



        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

        flipper1_solenoid.value = True


    if (flipper2_button.value == True):

        flipper2_solenoid.value = False



        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

        flipper2_solenoid.value = True


    if (flipperb_button.value == True):

        flipperb_solenoid.value = False


        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

        flipperb_solenoid.value = True

        score = score+50000

    if (flipperb2_button.value == True):

        flipperb2_solenoid.value = False


        # The button is pulled to ground, so the switch is pressed

        flipperb2_solenoid.value = True

        score = score+75000

    for angle in range(0, 180, 5):  # 0 - 180 degrees, 5 degrees at a time.

        my_servo.angle = angle

    for angle in range(180, 0, -5): # 180 - 0 degrees, 5 degrees at a time.

        my_servo.angle = angle

    for angle in range(0, 180, 5):  # 0 - 180 degrees, 5 degrees at a time.

        servo2.angle = angle

    for angle in range(-180, 0, -5): # 180 - 0 degrees, 5 degrees at a time.

        servo2.angle = angle

#    if score_buttonb.value == False:

#        score = score+45000

#    if score_buttonc.value == False:

#        score = score+20000

#    if  ball_count_button.value == False:

    #ball_count= ball_count-1

Finished closeup of the top

We designed ball guides that carry the ball carefully throughout the board, ensuring it can hit every obstacle. 

Finished closeup of the bottom

We designed various mounts and pieces to hold the mechanical components, triple checking them to make sure they are flawless.

Project Reflection

1) This project has been very different in a multitude of aspects. First, it was incredibly innovative, forcing us to take particularly more initiative and use our critical thinking skills. Second, it was very hands on, with us having to manually design/fabricate/build every part and component in the machine. Lastly, it required a lot of creativity. Although the mechanical components are the most important part, we had to maintain an aesthetic / constistent theme throughout our entire project.

2) Very relieving. Although I enjoyed the process, having it finally done took a huge weight off my shoulders due to the deadline and rigorous work.

3) The visual appeal and overall functionality of my project are my favorite parts. It doesn't have any major flaws, and the Super Mario theme is really prevalent throughout the entire machine. 

Custom Component Honorable Mentions

Unique Mechanical Component (Bricks) 

Servo (Bullet Bill)

Flippers (Pirahna Plants)