You will have ELA Zoom classes every Wednesday and Friday until the end of the year.

7th grade Social Studies Zoom classes start at 9 am promptly.

Mrs. Hosek's Zoom classroom ID is 726-104-8419.

Use your Zoom app on your iPad or go to

Social Studies Week of 9/16-9/20

Schedule & Homework


  • FOCUS: Students were supposed to take the Unit 1 Assessment, but quickly realized that the test was much harder than they had expected. They had had last Friday to study with a partner and ask me questions, but most had not used their time wisely. Now they know why I thought they needed that study session. They have a reprieve on their test until tomorrow.
  • HOMEWORK: Study! Form a game plan for your answers since you have the actual test to study from.

Social Studies Week of 9/3-9/6

Schedule & Homework


  • FOCUS: Students read about what technology and science are.
  • HOMEWORK: None


  • FOCUS: Students began their mapping unit by drawing the Earth onto a small orange, then peeled it. The activity emphasized how it is impossible to take something round and make it flat without distorting shapes and distances.
  • HOMEWORK: None


  • FOCUS: Students were introduced to maps as art by Ms. Beerbower.
  • HOMEWORK: None


  • FOCUS: Students were assigned their mapping project and had time to work on their maps.
  • HOMEWORK: Finish maps and have ready to present on Monday. (If creating the SCALE is giving you a hard time, I will teach a lesson on that Monday to help you out.)