Guidance Counselling

Ms Summerville

Ms Mc Cafferty

Mr White

You will be introduced to our Guidance Counsellors Ms Mc Cafferty and Ms Hughes soon after you start. These teachers are available to offer support with subject choice and later on will be there to guide you in making a decision about your career path. Ms Mc Cafferty and Ms Hughes will offer guidance when it comes time to apply for college/further education. They are also here to support you during any difficult times.

After the settling in period, the Guidance Teachers will conduct a confidential survey with each first year student. If you have any worries the survey will give you a chance to note them and the Student Support Team will do their best to help you resolve any difficulties you may be having in the move to Post Primary School.

There are lots of opportunities to visit colleges to help you decide your career path

Our own Mr White is a Career Advisor Columnist with Donegal Daily