
The school canteen is opened for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our experienced chef Oonagh worked for many years in Jackson's hotel. Break is 11:00-11:15. Lunch is 1:15-1:55. You queue as seen in the picture above, pay and take a seat. When you are finished you leave your plate on the trolley.

The school canteen is subsidised which means that the most you will pay for a full dinner is 2.50 euro.

Sharon, Oonagh and Noreen

Students, Parents and Staff enjoy a cuppa

Sample Break Menu

Homemade Vegetable Soup/Crusty Roll

Fresh Fruit Salad

Hot Sausage Roll

Hot Jambon

Pancakes and Nutella

Chicken/Bacon/Sausage Baguette

Apple and Cinnamon Scones

Sample Lunch Menu

Chicken Kiev with Potato and Veg

Baked Lasagne with salad and cubes

Chicken Curry and Rice

Baked Potato with tossed salad